
What should be the composition of my money (USD and pesos) to go to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico?

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I am going to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and it was suggested I have both US dollars and pesos for the trip. I'm not sure how many places take US dollars, so I don't know how I should split my spending money between USD and pesos (50/50, 75/25, etc). Thoughts?




  1. Dont know why you would want both. Its mexico - pesos.

  2. they take dollars everywhere.

    I recommend paying with CC... is always a best exchange rate.

    if you cannot get to a money exchange place or a bank. just go to an ATM.

  3. Bring a couple hundred US and get more with your ATM card.  Getting pesos in the US will have a terrible exchange rate.   Notify your bank you'll be in Mexico.   Use a Credit card only at the hotel

  4. It is easy to convert from dollars to pesos at the airport or in town, and convert back to dollars from pesos at the airport before leaving to return home.  I would use pesos rather than dollars while in Puerto Vallarta although almost everyone takes both.  Using pesos is better, and have lots of small bills since making change is not always easy depending on where you are.  If you'd rather start your trip already having converted to pesos, I'd choose to take about 80% pesos and 20% dollars.  It's not a problem so don't worry.  Have a great trip!

  5. Hi

    Pesos is better.

    Just take money out of the ATM, and they will give u a better exchange .

    check this website for info, tips, and best beaches in pv.

    Have Fun

  6. Just use pesos...if you try to pay in dollars merchants and businesses will take advantage of the exchange rate.

  7. its always best to take too much than to take too little! i would say take 70% peso and 30% US dollar!

  8. Don't worry about pesos...  Just take US$...  

    Use any bank ATM if you need cash.  You'll get the best rate of exchange...

    Have a good time!!!!

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