
What should be the correct pay for babysitting 1 child for 11 hours?

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my sitter is 16 years old and she usually baby-sits twice a week from about 7 a.m. to about 5 p.m. when my husband gets home. my son is 8 years old




  1. Well, it's not like the old days when $1 an hour was fine. Kids expect to be paid - I'd say $4-$5 an hour is reasonable. Your child isn't an infant - which I'd pay more for. I'd say $90-$110 a weeks is good. This 11 hour a day commitment is really an accomplishment for a 16 year old. If you feel the babysitter is doing a good job, reward her/him. IF not, re-establish your expectations. It's so hard finding good care for your children but at least your 8 year old and let you know if something fishy is going on.

  2. $10/hr.

  3. If this was for an evening out.. or for time without kids.. You should pay well.. 100 bucks..

    If it is for a daytime job..

    20 yr old who drives and is completing other chores- 8-10/hr. 50/day max

    teen or pre teen... 3.50 an hour or 35 a day max..

    Think of what a daycare would charge... you should pay similar or a little less if they aren't licensed.. If they are doing a lot of work.. pay well to keep good work...

  4. It really depends how old you are and if it was overnight or during the child's waking hours.

  5. If you do it 11 hours a day 5 days a week I would charge $250-$300 a week.

    Its hard to decide how much someone should charge because it depends on what the parents expect you to do with the child, how far you have to drive or if the child will be at your house, food during that time for you and the child, ect...there is a lot to determine the amount-Good luck!

    How old is the sitter?

  6. it is really up to you for what to pay. and if the sitter is comfortable with what you are paying. if this is part time work then maybe between 9 to 10 an hour. you can try a family member too. my husbands cousin watches our daughter for about 12 hours a night and she only charges us 10 every time she stays. if you are looking for a full time nanny then you will probably have to pay around 11 or 12 an hour, like an actual place of business would.

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