
What should be the educational ,social background to be a politician?

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What should be the educational ,social background to be a politician?




  1. In India there is........ NONE

    Any Tom, Ddick or Harry who can shout slogans loudly,  crooked enough to hoodwink the community,

    Change political parties and affiliations like pyjamas,

    Instead of country he is there in politics for himself, his family, his relations ......And

    Shameless enough to come back again & again after loosing elections very much eligible.....

  2. Obviously, a politician should be educated.  

    But there are local politicians, like city counselmen, who have less responsibility than State reps, or National reps.

    The more responsibility that a person has, the more education they should have.

    For social background, it really shouln't matter, as long as the person is educated.

    Politicians should have a great understanding of many schools of philosophy.

  3. Anything. If they failed highschool and lived without a penny in their pocket but were good enough to be voted into office then that should prove that their policies are effective.

  4. At least he knows how to read and write, but the most important is honest and not a corrupt politician

  5. In India , one should have, none!

  6. I concur  with mordent

  7. basic lessons are enough for them like serve to needy,speak truth,respect elders-------------------and be human by heart and soul

  8. Nothing wrong in higher levels of education, but, what should be an integral part of that is Public Awareness , which is absent many times in parliament,

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