
What should be the first move in checkers if your going first.?

by  |  earlier

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What should be the first move in checkers if your going first.?




  1. The links Imaka provided are good ones.   There are a bunch of other good checker sites.  Just google chechers and you'll have your hands full.

    (And it's "you're going first" not "your going first.")

  2. im not very good, however i think that moving one of your front row right to the side is a good starting move, that way they cant take you

  3. well. does it matter. why would you post this on the internet, does it really matter to you.

  4. Checkers is also called draughts, so you will find different sites if you search using "draughts".   I like the move where I7 is moved to J6.  As a previous poster said, it protects that piece.  Here are a couple of links that may help you.  Best of luck.

  5. This was a previous question with an answer giving some good sites for information.

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