I am so discouraged because I just turned 31 and I have never been pregnant. We have been married for four years and nothing. I have been sexually active for quite some time and nothing. It’s not that I necessarily wanted to get pregnant by a guy I was dating, but it just confirms that there is indeed something wrong with me. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 11 or 12 years ago. I had a laparoscopy done in 2004 and that confirmed that my tubes were scarred. They did an HSG and both tubes were open, although my left one is obstructed and was slow to respond. I also have a fibroid on my left ovary which causes extreme pain during my period. I had a HSG done in 2007 and it confirmed that both tubes were open, although the obstructed tube was still present. I started taking Clomid in March of this year, and took it for three months with no success.