
What should be the standards of a politician or a political party?This is a continued one for my last question

by  |  earlier

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This question is a continued one for my last question,If I start a Students' Political Party,do you support me? I want you to suggest me what standards a political leader or party should have in this modern world. I mentioned in the details of my first question that this party allows only graduates to contest in the elections. In this way , suggest me standards or qualifications or ethics or skills that this party leader or party should have. I hope your suggestions would drive my passion to start a Political pary to a reality.




  1. don't lie to be elected... say only the real and possible reforms he could do

    respect the choices of the population

    act in the national interest and no only according to a little powerfull groups

    have a real wish to improve the country and the world (specially the poorest countries) and not only improve their own situation

    have a real wish to act for the environment

    to have shown efficient skills managing a country, a city or even a firm... specially during a situation of crisis

  2. Honesty on where they stand.  I am really against political parties as a whole.  Voters should not cast their vote based soley on what party the candidate is running in.  I am not an independent however, I am a republican.  I believe strongly in the free market and small government which is a lot of what republicans are.

  3. Not quite an answer to your question but

    Take a look at, encourage others to partake in what they want their country or state to be. The second link below will give you a peek at at the redesigned/expanded site, which will be available shortly.

  4. the one and only qualification of any politician is "SERVICE MINDED" not "SELF MINDED"

  5. i just dont think setting standards in a country likke India is going 2 help ne ways .As far as student parties are concerned its ok but in order 2 have politics as a carrier and then setting standards in one of d largest democracies is nxt 2 impossible.

  6. For the politician,education is a must to be able to appreciate all the nuances of the game of politics.Rectitude in public and private life is an

    essential requirement.He should understand that once he enters the field his private life will no more be private.It will be and have to be an open book.Patience will have to be exercised

    at all times.He cannot afford to lose his temper

    even if provoked to the ultimate extent.These are but a few of the basic qualities one wishes for in a politician.Of course above all serving the public should be of primary concern,without

    the slightest hint of a frown on his face however

    tough and difficult the situation or circumstance may be.Highly utopian,no doubt,but you wanted to know.One could list a whole slew of other

    standards but this medium is too restricted to be able to list them all.Once the idea takes shape,further details will automatically flow and follow.

    In-so-far as the party is concerned,members,

    who possess all the above qualities and more,

    would be competent to decide on the standards

    credo,motto,policies etc.

    While I did take some time out to reply to your poser,tell us honestly as to how far are your

    ideas and ideals,however lofty they may be and

    are,are practical particularly in a country like India where, it is said,corruption is almost a way of life.

    One more thing I wish to make clear.All

    references to politicians in the masculine gender apply to the female of the species too.I

    am not a sexist.

  7. What you seem to be driving at is ensuring that voters are informed and/or educated before casting a vote.

    If that's the case, I believe everyone is capable of being an informed and educated voter.  

    This can be accomplished in a myriad of ways but here's a great start.

  8. Do you support if I start a Students' Political Party with high values which work for public selfless?

    This party allows only graduates to contest in the elections. It has a corruption free agenda with it. It seriously works for employment,education,health and agriculture. This party has a dress code and code of conduct. Interested? Can you work as an MLA with just the salary you get for an MLA? We can change the face of Andhra Pradesh and if God graces the whole India too. I need support from students with in Andhra to bring a revolution in the history of Andra Pradesh politics and support from all Andhra Pradesh people who like to join me and NRI's for media canvassing. Think my friends.......Change this state and our country too. Dream for better future of our Country ............ Waiting for your support.........Contact me for further discussions on line.

    I have copied your first question so others may know more about what you are talking about.

    Now, why, unless I am a student , would I support a political party in which only students can run for elections?

    Hate to tell you but I don't think being a student makes you special and it sure doesn't make you any more intelligent than any body else. Just more educated than some. Proof of that is in your first question. What does a dress code have to do with changing the world? You expect me to support you when you tell me you judge people by the way they dress? Maybe you need to change yourself first.

    You proclaim in your first question that your party has high values but in this one you ask us what those values should be. Does that make any sense. Sorry, I cannot support you.

  9. The point of a political party is to appeal to the masses to try to get into office to try to further party goals. Therefore, if you are going to start a political party that only allows in graduates, not only are you discriminating immensely, but you are basically throwing out the constitution that guarantees everyone the right to vote. Not only would you gain nothing, but you would probably go down in the pages of history shamefully... I would seriously rethink this idea.

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