
What should be written in an essay with theme "UNETHICAL FOOD MARKETING TO CHILDREN" (word limit 1500-2000)?

by Guest59118  |  earlier

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  1. Aiming advertisement/commercials of unhealthy foods directed at children while watching television or looking in magazines or newspapers. Grocery stores also put candy and gum at the checkout stand so children will see it and beg mom/dad to buy it for them.

    Some schools allow vending machines so children can buy snacks and soft drinks.

  2. What are they teaching kids in school these days?

    I would think it would have something to do with encouranging kids to ask their folks to go a fast food joint for dinner. If you turn off the TV set and give your kids good meals at home they don't ask to go that often.

  3. look at what ethical means in this definition.  Un means against.


    It could mean selling the idea of making your own (garbage) lunch with "Lunchables" with all that heavily processed food, not to mention all that plastic packaging (garbage) that you are actually paying for...

    Any marketing strategy aimed at getting children to beg mom or dad to puhleeeeease buy this Kiddy Meal for me - it's got that toy that I want...

    OMG, I'll calm down.

    Just why is Ronald McDonald dancing around with children, anyway?  And, where are the parents?

  5. it means tempting children with toys to eat food that is unhealthy

    the kids will scream for the toys, and the parents eventually breakdown even though they know the fast food is too high in calories, salt and fat.

    So ...   Happy Meal !

  6. It means how the food industry of India / all over the world is selling there worst products in society by targating our new society / children.

    I will give points for your essay, you will have to explain briefly those points for creating essay

    1) Importance of Childrens in Society

    2) Food role for growing childrens

    3) Physocology of children (Fantacies, grasping power, attractions, study load, emotions and impact of child on their parents)

    4) Pick up some unhealthy products from food industry e.g. Chingwm, Mild Powder, vapours, cold drinks ... etc. how they are targating our parents to buy there product for there child  / how they are targating our young generation for selling their products and eventhough parents know this product is worst then also parents are not able to divert their child for taking those.

    5) Eventhough those products are proved to be unhealthy how those companies tried to escape from their responsiblities and newly entered in markating.

    6) What will be the deep impact of everything on society.

    7) Conclusion ??????

    here you will have to take one product and brief its history with their advertisement and impact and chrises faced and after the chrises how those companies newly started marketing without any impact on them.

    I think this will be sufficient for creating your essay.

    Best of luck ... !

  7. Unethical food marketing refers to how corporations advertise or package or create their products in a manner that is enticing to children.

    For example, Sunny Delight soft drink changed its name to "Sunny D" in order to seem "cool" to the younger set. They began showing commercial advertisements that displayed children and young teens coming in the house with skateboards and raving over the fact that Sunny D was in the refrigerator.

    Breakfast cereal makers are another group that is highly guilty of ploys created to get children to urge their parents to buy a certain brand. They put appealing cartoon characters on the boxes and put toys or games inside to entice kids. Sometimes the children do not even want the cereal but are more attracted to the toy inside.

    You need only watch television for a couple hours (particularly when there are cartoons on or during viewing times when children are watching) to find other examples of shameless marketing to children. Tactics are used to make entice children, make them feel "less than cool" if they do not get a certain food product, or even create products that colored or shaped in certain ways that children would be fascinated by. Companies also gain the rights to use movie characters or super heros on their packaging in order to attract kids.

    I hope this helps. Good luck with your paper!

  8. acc. to me the food industries are more interested in making money rather than paying heeds to the health problems that their products can cause.These people are criminals and they see no harm in doing so.

    Gone were those days when only few brands were in this field,now its a competion between many brands and they see it in a way just to increase their market control over food industry, and nothing beyond that.Taking advantage of the innocense of the children they show their rubbish products many times healthier than natural ones.Influenced by the lubricated ads

    the parents are crippled by the child's beg and crying.

    at last the industry is at profit bcoz of our liabilities.

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