
What should by hcg level be at?

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I am 5 weeks and one day pregnant. At 4 weeks and one day my hcg was at 91 then at 4 weeks and 3 days it had increased to 215. I am now 5 weeks and one day along and I just got my hcg tested again and i am waiting for the results to come back but i was just wondering what it should be at now?




  1. Actual levels are unimportant as long as they are increasing properly.  At this point it should about double every 72 hours.  So around 500 give or take a few would be a good number if it was 215 4 days ago.

  2. Please go to:

    There is a really informative article about hcg levels.  I could go into it, but it's better if you get it straight from the article!  It does say that we shouldn't make a big deal out of hcg levels.

  3. Dont be so concerned with the number because the number varies greatly with everyone. One thing you can be sure of is if you have a normal healthy pregnancy your HCG numbers MUST be increasing. So once its going up no need to worry.

  4. I see questions like this a lot. My doctors (who wouldn't even see me until 8 weeks) never mentioned HCG levels at all!

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