
What should/can I send?

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My friend is a Marine and currently serving over in Iraq,

I am curious as to some of the stuff they like to receive while over there,

whenever I ask him what he wants me to send to him, he says he doesn't care, or it doesn't matter...which doesn't help me out any.

He mentioned pictures, but I don't really know of what he would like them to be...what are some other things I could send to him? Things he'd enjoy, not like toiletries and cleansing items.




  1. Heres what I Sent mY friend :)

    Pictures - Send Him pictures of his friends and Family. Send Him pictures of the Sky, Parks and If he has Any animals.

    Candy - Send Him his favorite candies, Let him have some sweetness On his Journey

    A Bear - You Can go to Buildabear, make the Cheapest bear (About $10) Then buy a Camo Outfit (Around $10 - $25) and make a voice recording saying We Miss you!

    Cookies - Bake Him Some Cookies, Makesure they;re packed very nicely though.

    A Card - Make a card with a Cute Letter. Say, We All Miss you (blahblahblah) Then get all Of his friends to Sign it.

    A Boy toy xD - You can Send him One of those Foamy Nerf Footballs, and Maybe some Little Water guns or something. That way hima nd his buddys can have lots of fun!

    I Hope I Helped!

  2. Probably pictures of you.  If he's not already involved, he might be trying to send a certain signal.

    When I was in Iraq, we really enjoyed out Nerf guns.  You'll want to find out his living and working arrangements before sending him any, though.

  3. lotion for all the bordum when there is no fire fight if you get what i mean.

  4. There are a lot of things you can send to make him happy. Let's start with a few things to show him you care. Send him some protective charms. A good one is a Saint Michael medal; St. Michael is the Good Angel of Death and the Field Commander in God's Army. You can even bring it to a church and have it blessed. Send something you guys shared like a sea shell from when you walked on the beach. Don't send cutesy things like beanie babies, he'll just get smoked by his buddies for it. Do send a couple nice pictures of yourself. You can also take a cutting of your hair and braid it into a good luck charm, my gal did that too. Also any coins that are lucky to you, send with a note explaining you've blessed it for him.

    My gal sent me a key for Desert Storm and followed months later with a letter explaining that it was the key to her heart. A Marine's deployment is typically 7 months, but can be much longer with Stop Loss in effect.

    Also, send things like beef jerkey and other well packaged food items, magazines like Maxim; cool stuff and babes, of course. Do not send chocolate candy, it melts immediately in the 130 degree heat. Since he probably will not have a lot of water, send Wet Wipes; they are incredibly handy and probably the most appreciated item you can send. Sometimes in a water shortage you are allowed two bottles of water daily to shower with, so Wet Wipes go a long way.

    You can also send newspapers and other light reading materials. He's going to go on a lot of missions, but will appreciate having the materials when he's on base.

    Good luck to both of you. And know that he'll be fine. The Marines are a tight group and as a result they cover and guard one another very fiercely. They are a fine group of soldiers that share close unity and a strong bond.


  5. Pictures of yourself, friends and the different things you all do.  A letter is really a nice personal thing.  When my ex was over there, I would start a letter and write all week...just like a journal type of thing, and then send it at the end of the week.  This helps them feel more "normal", like they are still a part of your life and all.

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