
What should do? I'm 38 weeks pregnant and have been having contractions all night, but the times havent been ?

by  |  earlier

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consistent, and I think my water broke. My mucous plug came out earlier today, and about a half hour ago i felt a popping sensation, and went to the bathroom, and i'm still having a trickle of fluid, my contractions are now 4-6 minuets apart, what should i do?




  1. Call the hospital, they will probably have you come in. Contractions 4-6 minutes apart, and especially your water having broken, is plenty reason to go in. In fact, if your water has in fact broken (which they will test for), they may keep you regardless of contractions because they need to ensure you deliver within 24 hours to avoid infection, or at least make sure you make good progress while they monitor the fluid levels.


    baby is on its way

    good luck xxxx

  3. Get off of here..dont wait for more answers!! Grab your hospital bag..head out the door and go straight to labor and delivery!! Baby will be here soon!! Best of Luck!!!

  4. Sounds like you are in early labour. Especially if the contractions are lasting a minute or more.

    If you are planning a hospital birth now would be the time to get your car packed. If this is not your first baby then it may be time to go to hospital.

    If it is your first baby, or if the contractions are less than 30 seconds long, consider going for a short 5 - 10 min walk around your house (or do laps of your living room) before you go anywhere. This will help speed things along. Or if you feel safer at the hospital do the walking once you've been admitted to the birth centre/labour ward.

    Good luck and happy birthing!

  5. how about go to your nearest doctor or hospital

  6. Go to the hospital..please!  That happened to me, and I had my daughter in 2 hours time!  Good luck :)

  7. get to the hospital its nearly time good luck

  8. congratulations baby is on the way!!!!

    how exciting, good luck and give us an update when you can. x

  9. get to the hospital for goodness sake, sounds like the baby is coming

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