
What should first graders learn in the classroom?

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What should first graders learn in the classroom?




  1. you need to look at the grade level expectations for 1st grade.  Different states call them different things, but basically it breaks down every thing a first grader needs to know to meet standard.  For example, a first grader in WA needs to be able to write from 1-100.  Or, a first grader needs to be able to summarize a story (beginning, middle, end).

  2. You mean in addition to reading, writing & arithmetic?  How to get along, how to work together, respect for one another, that we're all unique, that to be successful in life we must contribute & work hard, that we not be a tattle tale, but if something is important, we should tell you in private, to be responsible for our things >>> you know, all those things children should've learned from their parents, but might not have.  

    Good luck.  

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