
What should government do to advice people have more walk?

by Guest65993  |  earlier

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1-what should government do to advice people have more walk?

2-Do people spend less and less time taking a walk and why?




  1. Doubtful the powers that be will do anything. It's up to the individuals. The reason people don't walk, humanity is lazy. You can sugar coat it anyway you want, we are all lazy.

  2. double the petrol prices and tripple parking charges , quadripple fines for parking in no parking zones

    declare rodas less than 5 meters wie a pedestrans plaza with no vehicles including 2 wheelers

  3. It is not the Govt job to advice the people it is the individuals job, please encourage others to take responsibility for their own actions or inaction's and tell the Govt. to get the heck out of our personal lives.

  4. i dont think so. public transportation would be hard to get rid of, and hybrids make people think theyre doing the environment a favor(i assume youre talking about the environmental problems)

    the only thing they can do is to emphasise the option to walk instead of drive in good old propaganda

  5. Fed government shouldn't be in the business of telling us what to do. Local and state government should do that. we as people should help ourselves to walk or run or anything to be active. Every body is becoming to attached to TV and computers. also stress make you tired so you don;t feel like walking, of course not walking you can't relieve stress therefor you get more tired. It is a vicious cycle.

  6. Oh i understand the question now!  

    The government could advertise how important walking is.  they could fund various programs to get ppl walking.  like having seniors walks, family walks, walk your dog, etc.

    they could create a day/ or a whole week in the year focusing on walking.

    they could educate more, on the benefits of walking.

    ppl spend less time walking because of the changes in lifestyle over the past decades.  we used to work in fields hundred year ago, and were more physically active than now.  now we have modern conveniences, and such a rush style pace of life, that we use cars, and buses to get around.

    another factor is many ppl are working longer hours at desks and such that they are too tired when they come home to go for that much needed walk.

    if we could work less and play more, everyone would benefit.  but that's not going to happen in the capitalist society we live in.

    but ya, walking is a good thing.  another factor is the weather, no one likes to get wet, or cold.

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