
What should happen to a politician who dumps oil into the Oceans?

by Guest56982  |  earlier

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Should they be forced to resign and pay for the clean up?

Don't politicians care about the environment, or are they different than you and I?




  1. He should be made to drink up all the oil until the water is totally clean.

    And then go burn in 'h**l'.

  2. 2002?  This should have been reported to the EPA when it happened.  They have criminal investigators (EPA OIG) that work these cases.  Kennedy should at least have to explain this publicly, though I'm sure he would blame an employee.

  3. Dang, and I thought you would argue that the natural sources of oil discharged into the ocean dwarf anthropogenic sources.  They don't actually, but they are significant and I would suspect you would say they did.  So, if the natural sources using your logic outweigh the anthropogenic, why are Ted Kennedy's important except to make political hay for you?

  4. That is very sad.  He should pay large fines.

    lol, what do you mean "you and I"?  When did you start caring about the enviroment, Dr. Jello?  You have thousands of answers on yahoo explaining that less should be done to prevent global warming and protect the enviroment.

  5. they should get chucked into the ocean with their oil

  6. Just dump him in with the oil. Then start the oil on fire. That should put a quick end to that BS.

  7. Ted Kennedy is a loser, don't believe me, research his WONDERFUL history of doing the "wrong" thing.

    He should be court marshaled and put in the brig.

  8. Which Kennedy was it who was the brunt of jokes a few decades ago.  Wasn't that Teddy, too?  He drove drunk into a lake and his girlfriend drowned.  At the same time VW had an ad that their cars were built so well they would float.  

    The joke (in National Lampoon or Mad Magazine) was "If Teddy Kennedy owned a VW instead of a Lincoln he wouldn't be in all this trouble!"

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