
What should happen to people who refuse to go GREEN?

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Do you know which side you are standing on?

Social pressure? Peer pressure? Forced cooperation? Jail?

Re-education camps?

Or nothing at all?




  1. To me, that's like someone in Germany in 1933 asking what should happen to people who refused to join the n**i party.

    You can't stop peer pressure or social pressure.  But any more than that is well...fascism.

  2. The Dem-O-n***s will banish them to the Gulag.

  3. They Should Be Fined for destroying the Environment!!! GO GREEN!!!

  4. If you mean global warming and the enviroment....

    I rebel in the name of freedom! I won't let my children and their children live a dirty wasteland of earth!

  5. Anyone who will not go back to cave man living should be shunned.  We should all walk out of the cities and find a cave to live in and eat only nuts and berries.  The billions who starve will help the planet heal.  lol  ;)

  6. I think each house should be taken over for 24 hours(you get to stay free at a hotel) and everything should somehow turned into something to help the eco-system.

  7. Forced cooperation or jail sounds communistic so no.  

    education yes but re-education camps OMG you are an extremist.  

    Those that don't go green will cause us all to go brown as in deep sh**

  8. They will suffer the consequence of their folly in higher prices and fewer options. You can't "make" anyone do anything you can only do all you are capeable of on your own and be a good example.

  9. I do not think anything should happen to them. It is everyone's right to decide if they want to go green or not. I would be more likely to go green if it wouldn't cost me so much more to do so. I simlily can't afford to go green!  

  10. its their choice in s******g up the planet.

  11. i think that no way of life should ever be forced on anyone.

    i think going green shold involve smoking massive amounts of weed, but i will not hold a blunt to your face and make you smoke it. . . although, the more the merrier. lol.

  12. So ! ! is this another us against them, like Hitler did with the Jew.??

  13. Actually, there are many initiatives undertaken in the world market right now that are mandating social change.  Having worked in retail, the move now toward either biodegradable bags and/or reusable bags is something that is mandated in many different municipalities through out the country.  This has to be taken at the company level, or the companies are fined.  Additionally, several states are moving to charging for bags used, or credits for bags returned for recycling.

    The global dependence on fossil fuels is beginning to turn way to renewable and ultimately cheaper energy sources.

    Paper companies, realizing the fate of their future profits if clear cutting of trees are not replanted, are planting a tree for each one cut.

    To say that something should happen to those who refuse to go green is becoming somewhat moot.  If they realize it or not, their consumer habits are changing as the fair market realizes the benefits of  renewing, reusing and recycling; and most importantly, cleaner technologies.

  14. in about 50 years all the ice in the world will melt causing a large increase in the oceans height which cover most ocean side states like ny, ca, texas, lo florida, wa, maine, alaska will melt, greenland will final be visible as a land mass, and other stuf like that

  15. I'm not sure. But not jail for sure.  

  16. What does it mean to "go green"??

  17. they should be shown the effects on the eviroment if everyone acts like them.

  18. Unless you're going to go wag your finger at the rest of the world for their utter lack of "green" sensibility, I don't want to be lectured about my refusal to buy a trendy Prius.

  19. nothing its a free coutry (at least until obama elected) and unless the scientist have any good proof then they should shut heck up

  20. Well no matter what some people just wont be willing to go green despite what force is put behind it  

  21. i know about hsbc go green current account scheme

  22. People tend to follow directions that are in their own best interest.

    For example, if there is a UN Sanction to give five years to all nations that buy coal, to stop buying coal. The nations that continue buying would be required to pay an Import Tax with funds distributed to all coal producing countries that reduced production by more than ten percent than the previous year.

    In time, the money incentive will determine the outcome.

    For example, scarcity will drive the price of coal higher every year until it becomes an uneconomical fuel. Something like what is happening with oil, but on purpose.

    Will some cheat? Of course! The object is to Gradually change, not ruin, nations full of people.

  23. push them off a cliff

    and send the jonas brothers with them

  24. nothing will happen to them. as for you second question, one shouldnt rebel just for the sake of freedom. one should do whatever one believes is right regardless of the possible ramifications of such actions.

  25. they should get a medal for not falling for dumb fads.......

    and then a cookie for not panicing even though it is a wheather cycle no one can control but God

  26. They will have natural consequences. As the resources we rely on become depleated the cost will rise, so they will pay more for energy and fuel. As the world becomes more aware of how to make things with a lower impact on the planet those items will become mainstream and toxic items will be harder to find.

    I think we are at a point where peer pressure will persuade many people to make positive changes and I don't think we can force someone to conserve it they are willing to pay for it. Unless we get to a point where things are rationed.

  27. nothing its a PERSONAL life choice made by some to go green you shouldnt do anything to those who dont share teh same beliefs

  28. I think that if they want to trash the planet that they live on, it's their choice. But I do find it rude. At least have some consideration for the rest of us, even if you dont care, ya know? Social/ peer pressure I think.

  29. They should be applauded  

  30. So you want to peer pressure me into going green or better yet send me to jail or a re-education camp? Right, you need to be re-educated a little bit here buddy because it sounds like you have only listened to one side of the global warming issue just like most of government.

    The earth goes in cycles. I was born in the late '80s but still know that they mentioned going into an ice age in the '70s. And in the early 1900's they thought we were going through what we are now....gee, but we didnt have the amount of cars that we do now and this handy new household cleaners and energy saving light bulbs to save the world.

    Now, don't get me wrong, i'm not wasteful, i recycle when possible, and i try not to use more gas than needed to go about my life. However, get a grip. Sending people to jail for not believing that humans are causing the "global warming" is right up there next murdering, stealing, etc.

  31. They should be sent to a Gulag to mine salt.

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