
What should happen to this woman?

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'A woman was caught drink-driving after a distressed child was seen shouting "stop mummy driving" and banging on the windows of a car.

Central Scotland Police said the car carrying the five-year-old girl was stopped in Falkirk on Sunday afternoon.

When breathalysed, the 35-year-old woman was found to be four times over the legal drink drive limit.'

Drunk, in the afternoon with her child in the car. Words fail me.




  1. 5 years hard labour,and a life ban, her child unfortunately will be the victim in this case.

  2. She should be banned for life and a prison sentence wouldn't go amiss

  3. She needs to be punished for drink driving and driving with intent. Having said that the interest of the child should come first. Is she a bad mother or having a bad day, bad mother the child should be taken off her and go to prison, bad day she should be put on a programme.

  4. My previous partner in life, happened to be a self confessed Alcoholic. In the 18 years we were together, I could never bring him to completely quit drinking and driving. .... My opinion? Numerous Times did I get out of the vehicle of the moment.. I could not help but feel terribly insecure getting in the car with him when he would pick me up from work at our local Labor exchange..  It stopped me from ever getting in the car with him in the end.... It was a cause for a lot of arguments about ethics.... But he would play deaf and become spite full and mean... Typical Aquarius with a huge hump you know where.

  5. sounds like she must be an alcoholic. She should be forced to address her problems and seek help.

  6. Locked up and the Key thrown away!

    I hate drunk drivers, Ive lost a couple of good friends in car accidents to drunk drivers, and the limit in the UK should be ZERO.

  7. The usual penalty plus good hard kick in the backside.

  8. She should be put on probation, but ordered by the court to undergo detoxification and and go to AA classes.

    If she breaks the probation, get 3-6 months in jail, and driver's license suspended.  That's what I'd suggest.

  9. Jail, that should be considered child abuse!

  10. Beat the c**p out of her and find proper parents for her child...

  11. At the very least, I would hope that a family member or some one more responsible could be available to take care of the girl for a little while at least. Poor baby! For her to have to do that just to get the car to stop! Is their such a charge as "attempted  vehicular homicide"? Because she attempted to kill herself and child when she got behind the wheel of that car!

    No respect for people like that, NO excuse for that kind of behavior AT ALL!

  12. I agree with a life ban. I doubt they will gaol her, because of the child, but saying that the child must go on the at risk register and social services want to be up her @4se noon and night.

    On the bright side that is one smart 5 year old and what she did took courage. it's also appropriate to recognise the member of the public who got involved and removed the child from the car. It's rare when you can say well done to a news story these days.

  13. at the very least she should be put in jail that poor child!!!

  14. Words fail me. Banned from driving for at least ten years and to take an enhanced driving test.   I have never heard of a parenting licence. The reasons for this should be examined, has she got a problem or was this stupidity the result of something else. sdeperating the mother from her child may not be the right thing, I am not sure but I think the effect of that will harm the child more. thankfully no one waas hurt  so I would suggest a long pperiod of probation and  a prison sentence suspended for the maximum period allowed.

  15. she has not been named thats usually a sign that its a professional woman i.e. social worker, teacher

  16. She should be charged with drink-driving and child endangerment.

  17. 5 years jail, rehab, parole, 5 years probation, more rehab, in that order.

  18. she should be arrested for endangering the welfare of a child ,

    child abuse and or mental abuse of a child , pubic intoxication reckless driving , driving under the influence of alcohol ,  and endangering the public

    and at the fact the child was banging the windows for help to get away from a life threatening situation should allow the courts to argue possible kidnapping the time the courts are done she should receive about 40 +years

  19. WOW

    that woman has issuessss

  20. How stupid can someone be. To put your own child at serious risk, not to mention every other member of the public on the road at that time.

    As for sentence I would say a suspended custodial sentence, which could hang over her head should she be tempted to do it again. Also i think a lengthy ban of around 5 years with a drink drive course showing graphic pictures / videos of victims of drink drivers. Hit the message home big time.

  21. Is this woman fit to look after her 5 year old child?  Doubt it.  Seems to me the child was distressed, so much so that she had to cry for help from her mother's car.

    I don't like the idea of separating mother from child, but there seems considerable risk that even if this woman were to be banned, it might not stop her driving without a license.

    Cannot take the risk that she might drive while drunk and again take her child with her.

    Why was she drunk?

    Does she have some sort of mental problem?

    Gotta do something and I don't want the do-gooders interfearing with the law on this either - far too many of their so-called okay patients have done bad things.

    Don't need to spell it out. . . .

  22. she should have her parenting license take away. oh wait sorry, i forgot.. any crack-and-alcohol addicted muppet can have a kid. Even people who have less sense than their own d**n kids!! And that's just one example of her parenting.. can you just imagine what goes on in the privacy of home?!

    she should have her license taken away for good.. and her tubes tied. And definitely take the kid away for at least a few months. that'll wake her up

  23. She shouldn't be able to drive again!!!  If anything had happened while she was driving, it wouldn't have been just her life she ruined, it would have been the child's as well!!!  She should have her licence taken away from her!!!

  24. Its hard because you have to think about the welfare of the kid as well. The kid probably does not need a mum like that. But how can you separate the kid from his mum. Its a tough one.

  25. What an irresponsible mother, how smart for such a young child to be so aware that what her mum was doing was wrong & dangerous, the mum obviously has no care for her own child or has got serious issues in her own life, I hope they throw the book at her.

  26. Hang on folks! While I agree that she should get no sympathy if this was deliberate and did not give a d**n about her daughter, should we not find out why she drunk so much and put her child so blatantly at risk? That is not what we as a society consider to the 'normal' behaviour of a mother of a young child is it? What made her do it? Is she ill? Is she having a breakdown? Are there any mitigating circumstances? Whilst they might not excuse her behaviour, are there no misfortunes that might make you think there but for the grace of God go I or feel some sorrow or tinge of sympathy for her? What about the impact on the child? Presumably she may still love and want her mother. Perhaps she only wanted her mother to stop driving, not go to jail.

    We are all human are we not and make mistakes? If she is a good mother normally with extenuating circumstances, will any punishment imposed by the courts be as great as that which she imposes on herself?

    Just my own sad view. Who's to say my opinion is more valid than anyone elses?

  27. Well i have no idea of the circumstances behind this but she would need a dam good excuse for acting so irresponsible if i was a judge i would consider this but i am sure her child would certainly not want to lose their mummy to prison!

  28. She should never drive again in life.

  29. My dear "Captain Starkiller"...

    I really don't understand, that there are sooooo many people, who "scream" for... "jail" in such a case, because obviously this woman has severe alcohol-problems & "throwing her into jail" is definately  NOT  solving her initial problem !!! Jail is NEVER ... "a solution", because in there, no one will "work" on the "root of the evil" !!! Just locking someone "away" is  NOT ..."curing" the actual deficit these people truly have !!!

    Sure, we  ALL  agree, she's behaving IRRESPONSIBLE & is a "hazard" to the "environment", people on the road, etc. But putting someone behind "bars" NOT  solving any deep-rooted problem !! Those people should be..."forced" to get therapeutic "treatment", in essence : a long-term THERAPY -where one can work on their deficit's !!! That is the most essential way of dealing with people who suffer from "substance-abuse" !!!

    Send you all my best wishes! greetings from Germany with lots of love & care... Annette***

  30. She must hate her child to do that .

  31. Good grief some people shouldn't be given the gift of children! She needs to be in jail! It's probably not the first or last time she's done it.

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