
What should i aim to be in life?

by  |  earlier

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after i finished my year 12, i came to australia to do i diploma in Automotives, now i have went half way through n working as a mechanic, its good money but i do't wana do what im doing for the rest of my life, i wana do some thing different, i wana be famous, known, not just being a part of the croud... what should i do or study for it,,, what should i aim to become ???




  1. Aim to be happy!

  2. Be liberal. Follow your heart. But still if you want to become famous, then you can try something related to TELECOMMUNICATIONS. You may study IT and create your own website or be a partner with a company. You will surely able to broadcast your identity.

    Or Simpler - Post some cool videos on YOU TUBE!!!!!

  3. if u really wanna be famous then the best thing is u try in some reality showes like in INDIA,if u r a good singer then TV showes give them chance 2 win contest like INDIAN IDOL,VOICE OF INDIA,SA-RE-GA-MA-PA & lots more.similar showes r held for dancers, even M-TV conducts a lot of shows in which public has a chance 2 come on tv & get famous like ibibo-mtv superstar.u can try ur luck thier. i am sure ur country tv showes must also have this type of showes & the greatest thing is that these showes has no age- limit!neither they want any qualification!or go & participate in beaty contest of men like in INDIA we have Grasims-Mr. India,ur country may also have these type of tv-showes.u can also try ur luck in tv-serials or cinemas!

  4. First and fore most discover and explore your skills, then hone them as best as you can. Then set goals for your self bifurcate your aims into short term and long term; and give your best shot every time you decide and set a goal for yourself.

    If you don't want to chase success and want success comes your way then do what ever you do with total dedication, perseverance, single minded-ly, honesty, hard-work, innovation, sincerity; these are some of the pre-requisite to achieve success.

    And I tell you what, success doesn't means being famous, success means being acknowledged with good regards, success means living the life with great virtues with pure spirits.

    And don't worry at all people are not famous only because they are in "Movies" there are more avenues like politics, engineering(in which you are), sports, journalism, public administration, business list goes on and on. It doesn't matter in which field you are, what matters how you perform your work?

    I would suggest you to ponder on your potentials. And always believe "Today's preparation determines tomorrow's achievement". Prepare hard and leave the rest on the god, god will get you what you deserve.

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