
What should i be looking for in a surf board that's good for beginners?

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im looking for a board that is good for beginners but will not be garbage in a year or two




  1. try a fish it is a longboard in a short board size. it has thick rails, its wide and once you start to get good, it is GREAT for learning how to turn because it is SOO loose.

    itt also teaches you good smooth turns

    I used to be OK at surfing. then i bought a fish and it was great. I used it for about 1 to 2 years and know im 10 times better than before

  2. get a board that has a dimension of something like this-

    7'6 (good starting length that will keep you paddling and on your feet)

    19-21" (the width will give you an easier time figuring out your foot placing on the board)

    2 3/4"  (the thickness of the rails is important to help with the float and paddle-ability of the board)

    they don't have to be exact, but somewhere around here would be good for a beginner board

  3. Your weight, strength, and location are important factors. Also do you want to longboard, or go short? No matter what the answers are, you want a clean handmade board. Speak to someone knowledgeable at your local surf shop to decide. You didn't give us enough specific information to fully answer your question.

  4. Go for a longboard

    The Surfboard Man

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