
What should i be thinking?! friends or more?

by  |  earlier

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i text this boy alot the last week, and i was starting to fall for him.

well, yesterday he told me he would text me in a little bit hes gonna nap and that was around like 1pm. well we are in a club together and i texted him around 8pm to ask what class room the meeting was in and he just said "3". and i just said okay back and he didn't reply back like usual.

well today i ask if it start the same time as last week and he said "yes" and i didn't text back.

then later in the day he texted me and said "school sucks" and i was like "yeah and its hot too." and he didn't say anything back.

well after school i asked "how was school" and he says "g*y" and i go "why do you hate it so much?" and he just said "ya, i don't know" and i just said "um... okay" and yeah that was it.

the thing is he always texts me i never have to text him. and he always tells me we should hangout. I'm so confused. is he just playing games? its like he only wants to talk when he texts me not when i text him.




  1. He's probably really confused about what you're thinking.

    Guys are like that I like this guy and he told me he's really afraid of me to lose interest in him.

    Just ask him to go to the movies as friends! Make sure he knows that its as friends!

    Then go from there.

    You never know what could happen! ;)

  2. maybe dats wut he wants he want u to go to him u shood stop txting him and let him txt u and den wen he dus don't reply and do dat for a while den he will be like why don't u reply a lot and say ohh well u don't either and den make like a pact to always reply;]

  3. Texting can lose something in the translation because there is no body language, voice inflection, etc. So I would talk to him in person. Also, he sounds like he's stressed out about something right now. Maybe he's got something else going on with school and he's distracted. Try talking to him in person and see what's up.

    Or, since he texted you a lot already, maybe he doesn't have unlimited texting

  4. maybe he's shy

  5. If i were you, id confront him about it.

    Text him saying, Ive noticed you haven't been

    Texting me as much, and when you do,

    You say less. Are you okayy..?

    It'll seem like all your doing is showing concern,

    Showing that you care, and all in all,

    You get the answer you want (:

    Good luck x

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