
What should i bring on a cruise...?

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I am going on a cruise to the bahamas in 3 weeks...

What should i bring with me ladies? and men is there anything my BF Should bring..ex..a tuxedo?

Ladies what site or store do you reccommend me buying dresses and swimsuits? im clueless summer is almost over here in NY and i cant find anythin...




  1. Actually, you won't need as much as you think.  Which is fortunate because there isn't a lot of space in a cruise ship state room.

    Cruise ships are very casual.  Skip the tux.  A pair of khaki slacks and a 3-button polo will be fine for the Captain's Dinner.  Other than that, light clothing, a windbreaker, a hat, sunscreen, comfortable shoes.

    If you'll only be gone a week or less, keep it down to one medium sized suitcase each.  Yes, one.

  2. Does your cruise have a formal night?  If so your BF can get away with wearing a suit or a sport coat and slacks.  You could wear a cocktail dress or fancy party dress.

    You'll want to pack lightweight comfortable clothing that breathes.  For your shore excursions you'll want comfortable walking shoes or sandals. and both have a large variety of swimsuits in a wide range of sizes.  Don't forget to pack a cover-up such as a sarong, a pair of board shorts or a long tunic shirt as cover-ups are required in most areas of the ship.

    You'll want to pack sunscreen (I like the aerosol kind) and bug spray.  Most people don't think of bug repellent but you're going to a tropical locale which will definately have lots of bugs.

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