
What should i buy for two rats?

by Guest60439  |  earlier

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I mean like toys treats and what type???




  1. Birth control. Seriously. They multiply quickly.

  2. Rats are so cute!!! The Vitakraft and Kaytee brand have really good toys and treats for rodents.

    Here are some treats/ toys they may like. I hope I helped you!


    Running Ball ^

    Crinkle Tunnel ^

    Chew/Play Toy ^


    Chew Sticks ^

    Yogurt/Hay Drops ^

    Fruit and Nut Mixes ^

    There are tons of treats and toys for you to choose from. Good luck!

  3. there is loads of toys and treats to choose from.

  4. toys, a hammock, lots of cool stuff that they can play and have fun with. I have two rats and I've bought them a funny corn hanging thing, they're blocks of wood in the shape of corn and they can chew them and stuff!

  5. balloons , chocolates  electrical games

  6. Here is a list of toys/treats that you can buy or even make!

    General Toys:

    Hammocks - hammocks are great and one of the best toys a rat could have! They love to snuggle up in it and keep warm. (How to make a hammock, thurther on)

    Toilet rolls

    Paper bags : Rats love to shred and tear these apart.

    Nest box - Tissue boxes are good for the rat to sleep in. If you want, add some old clothes/socks and even some tissue or paper towl to make it more comfortable.

    A wheel (optional) - you can buy these at pet stores.

    Ladders - Ladders normally are included with your cage when you buy it, but if you do not have any ladders you can get parrot/bird ladders that are avaliable at most pet stores.

    Toilet rolls



    Cat toys

    Chew Toys:

    Dog Biscuits - make sure they are low in protein and please try and get high quality brands.

    Nuts In Shell (Pecans, macadamia, walnuts, hazelnuts)

    Wood - make sure the wood is treated, not painted and non - toxic

    Chew Blocks - you can buy these at a pet store. Some have many interesting colours or flavours!

    Cooked Bones - Not only is it extra nutriiton but it also exercisies the rats teeth! Make sure you do not feed "splinerty" bones such poultry or fish. Fish bones can be too small and very sharp and might get lodged down the rat`s throat and cause death. Beef and chicken are good.

    Carboard Boxes

    Wine Corks

    Pop Sticks

    Baby Teething Rusks


    Make sure that you supply fresh vegetables and fruit daily or every 2-3 days. This should make up 20% of their diet. Remember to always cook sweet potatoes and never give onions, green bananas, uncooked beans etc.

    You may also like to feed other snacks like tofu, unsalted cracker, milk, a small amount of cheese, table scraps, cooked lean meats, museli, oats, dried fruit, whole grain bread, sunflower seeds, poridge, no added sugar cereals or baby food.

    Here is a list of treats that I reccomend:

    Oxbow products:

    Kaytee products:

    Here is a few websites that will give you more imformation and ideas.

    Home made hammock:

    You will neeed:

    A peice of soft cloth

    Some thinn rope or thick string



    1. Cut a hole with your scissors at each corner of the peice of cloth. You should have four holes.

    2. Thread the string or rope through

    3. Tie it the bars of the cage making sure it is in an open space.

    Good luck! I hope this helps.

  7. i have two rats of my own and i beilive that rats are great pets.

    watch this video, it will help u learn how to take care of ur rat and wat to buy.

  8. a little box for them to sleep in, toilet rolls, tissues, wood to chew, exercise wheel definately etc. look it up on google for more answers

  9. a really big snake would make great company for them

    " Yum"

  10. I had a rat and she liked these yogurt things...or carrot crunchies or something like that...

    who ever said the thing about electrical games is very mean!

  11. you can make them hammoks out of socks and beds with lunch boxes

  12. They like and must chew. You can even buy them dog chewies if you want. Stuff similar to what you'd get a hamster or guinea pig, or rabbit.

    They LOVE to play. So Lots of toys. They Love balls.Just nothing plastic they will eat that right up.So be careful if your thinking cat toys. Cat toys can be dangerous so avoid those.

    Also don't forget they like meat too. So toss them the occasional slice of ham or turkey. Sometimes a little cat or dog food is good. But stick with vitamin fortified rat food as a mainstay. Buying in bulk is best & whole lot less expensive. Then just put it a Rubbermaid container. Leafy greens,veggies,fruit they will eat anything. Just be sure they you put enough spread around the cage so they don't fight as much and the meeker of the two will have some. Hey, don't forget the hamster wheel and tunnels too!! Best wishes for you and you new little ones. : ) PS They love cat nip and grass.

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