
What should i buy when i go food shopping?

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What should i buy when i go food shopping?




  1. it depends on what you like.  Buy some hamburger meat and buy some steak and some pork chops.  buy lettuce and tomato and onion and cucumbers and some mushrooms and salad dressing.  Buy some cereal and yogurt and some eggs and milk. buy some lunch meat and bread and some ketchup and mayo and mustard and buy some fish and some frozen items you like and buy canned vegetables and some soup and buy pop and water and juice and ice tea and orange juice and buy some grapes oranges and apples and buy some ice cream get some sour cream for tacos and get the taco kit to make them and  get some potatoes and microwave them and macaroni and cheese and make some grilled cheese and tomato soup buy some pasta and some spaghetti sauce and make spaghetti

  2. the important foods first and then like the junk foods

  3. we always say we are going to buy healthy stuff but we mostly dun do it, so buy wat ever u like, and of course first of all what is missing at home(the necessary)

  4. fruits, fruits are very healthy  for you.

  5. carolyn43 and me shop the same way. lol

    don't forget chips to go on your sandwiches. mmm

  6. fruit and vedgys.. mmmm but get sum sort of snack to munch at nite obv.. :)

  7. Top ramen. it's very cheap but it's good & theres lots of different flavors. & fruits & vegetables. pb & j is good to just don't forget the bread! =)

  8. Captain crunch cereal and lots of it/

  9. Whole Wheat Bread, Slim Milk, and  Wheat Pasta it's good....oh and dont for get your GO Green Bag!!!!

  10. You should buy clothes. Save the food shopping when your looking for something in the houseware aisles.

    It happens all the time unless your really good at holding those impulses off.

    If you do go food shopping; consider buying in bulk.

    Canned/Jarred products: most have expiration dates of 2 years.

    Toiletries such as soap/toothpaste/brushes/paper products

    Houseware items such as dish detergent/dishwasher detergent

    Laundry detergents/Fabric softeners(liquids).

    Not sure how long sheets last as I have not tried them.

    Products like boxed grains ( cereals/rice/flour) check expiration dates. They sometimes develope an infestation.

    What not to do when buying in bulk, and I couldn't have said it better:

    " You may not need to buy in bulk if you are single or have a small family.

    Certain products are perishable and don't have a long shelf life, so make sure they are going to be used right away.

    Some items require freezing. Make sure that your freezer is up to the task. Some freezers, if not set at the correct temperature, causes freezer burn or ice buildup on meats.

    Don't buy in bulk just because the product is there. It may be a waste of your money. "

    Here are a few strategies for shopping by a sponsored site:

    Don't forget the coupons from the Sunday newspaper!!!!

    Eat something before food shopping also. The eyes get big when grocery shopping.

  11. Fish

  12. food

  13. Fresh things, organic things, if you buy meat or eggs make sure they are free-range and organic. Try to buy things with minial packaging and DONT buy things that are pre-prepared.

  14. macaroni,nutella,apples,mangos,grapes, broccoli,white grape juice,cookies,frozen pizza,frozen pasta,ice cream, cheese,waffles.

  15. If you stay away from the prepared foods like stouffers ready-to-heat lasagna or those tv dinners it will save you loads of money if you buy the ingredients and just put it together yourself.  See the Tightwad Gazette book by Amy Daczyn on what to buy or not buy when you grocery shop to save thousands each year.

  16. Shop the perimeter of the store (fruits/veggies, meat, dairy, etc.) -- you'll save money and be healthier.

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