
What should i do, I have problem with my work. I broke the laser lens of ******* DVD player...?

by  |  earlier

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I am electronics students,




  1. As a student of electronics, you may want to try to fix it. You will need to order a laser diode assembly and a service manual from the manufacturer. There are important alignments to make and you will need the service manual to do them. I am assuming that your school has o-scopes and various other pieces of test equipment.

    Unless it's a super expensive DVD player, it's not going to be worthwhile to do except for the experience gained. The laser diode assembly will cost 25 - 50 bucks and the manual will probably be another 20.

  2. if you broke the lens its through it aint gonna work..jus did you break it?

  3. buy a new DVD player. fixing it will prob cost more.

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