
What should i do, advice please...?

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okay so.. my sister and i are extremely close and lately i have been catching her in hella lies about dumb sh*t. she lied to me about a class she was taking in school, she said she passed it and i saw her grades and she got an 'f' she does not know that i know and she keeps lying about it. so today i pick up her purse to move it and inside was and open pregnancy test, i asked her about it and she said it wasn't hers. wtf, whose is it then? i bit my tongue and kept all comments to myself. then i hear her on the phone talking about it, saying she was scared for the results. i wanna confront her about lying but i don't know how she'll react. was i wrong for asking to begin with? what should i say to her? or should i just leave it alone?




  1. As a sister myself I would tell her and wouldn't care what she thought about what I was asking. There are worse things that can happen by having unprotected s*x. Most people lie and continue to lie because the people around them are afraid to call them out on there mess.

    If it was my sister after I took my foot out of her a** I would ask her what is going on with her. I would tell her I saw her report card and I heard her talking on the phone about the test. The only thing you can do is just tell her how you feel and and that she doesn't have to lie to you. Reassure her and let her know that you are there to help her if she needs you to be. Tell her you love her and not matter what you have her back.

    Bad part about it is her life is her own and she will continue to do what she wants to do wether you apporve of it or not. Hopefully she does get her life back on track.

  2. The best thing you can do is confront her... not in a nasty way just eas into it and let her know you care that your there for her no matter what... she is gonna need all the support she can het chances are she is scared and most proberly angry at herself... however she takes it just support her and work through it!

  3. sometime sisters are really close and some sisters are down right mean to each other but if you and your sisters close ask her why she is lieing to you and why dont she want to talk to you about personnal may want to find out if she trust you no to say anything to anyone about her. becareful to keep what she says inconfadents between you too. and dont share it with no onebut if she lieing alot to you she dont trust you not to say something. and you need to ask her why? and remember you may not like the answer but if its what you really want then you have to start somewhere, and remember sisters last a life time take care of each other feelings and personnal stuff. she will need your shoulder if she is pg or not she will need you always in her life.

  4. You shud talk to her because that can turn serious.. Your parents might find out.. or even the pregnancy test can be positive..

  5. If she's younger than you, then confront her. If she is your older sister it truely her buisness. Matter of fact, it she's grown its her buisness. I have an older sister who tell h**l of lies and for no d**n reason too. But I don't question her. She's just a person who f's up alot and think people are ready to judge her for it. Could this be similar to your sister? This is d**n if I do, d**n if i don't issue. because the truth will come out eventually if she is pregnant, even if you ask or not. So go ahead and ask her. If she blow up in your face, the truth is you were not snooping, you just happen to see it while moving the purse.

  6. Lying is always a huge issue in every relationship and there are many different reasons why people do it. You need to think about all the events that have happened and come up with reasons why she might be lying. Such as she is scared what you would think, she doesn’t want to disappoint you etc. The best thing to do is again confront her about the lying. “I know you lied to me about.....

    I know this because I found.......

    You lying to me makes me feel.....

    We cannot have a good relationship if I don’t trust you. I want you to know that I love you and only ask about you because I care and want to help,  I’m not here to judge you. “

    After you’ve said your piece, leave it up to her to come to you for help.  

    Ultimately she will do what she wants to do and it’s her life. Just let her know that you’re there if she’s willing to tell the truth.

  7. I think you should definitely ask her about it. She may be mad at first but you gotta get it out there. You should have said something in the beginning. And the pregnancy test is obviously hers but I'm if you talk to her about it everything will turn out fine. She probably really needs a friend right now, so you'd be doing her a favour.

  8. I know you're her sister and all, but if you're as close as you claim to be, she should be able to confide in you. I understand the whole "lying about an "f". She's ashamed of it. The pregnancy test, on the other hand isn't a grade, and it should be taken seriously. You should confront her. Tell her that you heard her talking about it...Tell her that she can't lie her way out of this one.. A baby could change her entire life. She needs to tell people --- and by people I mean you, as her sister. Not her dumb friends who don't give a **** about the results. A baby won't change their lives...It's gonna change HERS.


  9. tell ur parents she is their responsiblity to deal with bc shell just lie to u and ur not ttly boss of her

  10. I agree with WCEAG. Also, you should probably tell her your there to talk if there's anything wrong. Make her feel that you won't automatically tell your parents. Make her trust you. Then you could tell her sometime good that you think that your parents should know and let her tell what's been going on.

  11. i would just let her know that you are always there for you

    ...she will eventually open up if she wants to.

    maybe she is embarassed or ashamed of herself. she might think that you might think less of her

  12. the best thing to do is tell her you are there for her then leave it be. give her space and she may share her problems when she is ready.

  13. your sister is just probably paranoid you'd think less of her if she told  you the truth about these things.or maybe she just doesn't want to feel like she's setting a bad example. i would say you can't just leave it alone because it'll just keep building up, and you'll get even more irritated with her. it's never good to bottle things up. i would confront her, but in a calm way. let her know she's your sister and no matter what your love is unconditional, you just want an explanation.

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