
What should i do, im so stressed?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 (nearly 20 ) and i've got a 9 month old baby girl. I'm pregnant with my 2nd child and it is the same father. I love kids and i'm so happy that i'm having another but my boyfriends not so sure.

I live with my daughter just.

My boyfriend said he wanted a baby too but now that i've had her, he's not so sure that he wants her! I'm angry but its his life and hes young not all people my age would want this. Since i've had Katie we don't have that spark all! but i was expecting that. Now that i'm having my 2nd , i'm pretty sure he will leave me. I'm not surprised, it's tough being a young parent!

I have a 22 year old friend who said he loves me and i think i love him too since my boyfriend isnt helping me out and doesnt care less about our relationship anymore. I haven't told this guy yet.

I don't know what to do.

i do have a job, my friends brother owns the business. I do get well paid. So I'm not bothered about that.

My mom comes round and helps every so often. But i can't ask her too look after my own child. Neither can i ask my friends since they're young and love to go out clubbing.

I'm stressed out here. I can't afford a nanny everyday!

Any suggestions on what i should do, to make this easier?




  1. I'm in your situation but I'm 15 and pregnant - the babys dad doesn't care about our relationship anymore so if I was you, I'd go for your friend who said he loves you. If you and the babys dads relationship is falling apart and doesn't have a spark anymore, move on. It might be hard but you can't force love - your young & have been blessed with 2 great things now. Don't stress because that's not good for your upcoming baby but take it slowly, don't rush into anything. Congrats on your pregnancy and I hope everything works out great for you.

  2. ok if ur man dont want the baby dont force it,just leave,u sound like u have a good head on ur shoulders and you are going to do great with or with out him. i would hold out for atleast one more month(get out of ur first trimester) then move on your own. ask the guy if he is serious,tell him as a friend u need help babysitting and that u guys could try to date when there is time around the bay and pregnancy. i wish u the best of luck,if u need to chat im online alot.

  3. Firstly you need to sort things out with the father of your children (either one way or the other)  before leaping into another relationship.

    Apart from that I don't really understand your question - why do you need a nanny every day - where do you live?

  4. I think you should go for the friend who said he loves. You don't need to ask tis in yahoo, beacuse your feelings says it all. even thugh your independent and everything, sometimes females need a sense of security and needs to be loved and pampered. ANd if you think he can give you what you want and is willing to marry you then i think you should go ahead. Moreover, being a 19 myself and still virgin (Wee hooo :) ) , i think you should get married as soon as possible, obviously to one whom you care and love, and you get love  back too. You can have fun together, and please try to atleast keep that relationship intact. I am sick and tired of listenning to break-ups and divorces.

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