
What should i do, today is the first day of school and i am going to a school where idk ne one N i am nervous!

by  |  earlier

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1. What should i do to calm my nerves?

2. Is this anxiety?




  1. i know how you feel, im goin to a school in a different state, i think its best just to think positive and dont let those bad thoughts stay in your mind.Hav a good day at school!!!

  2. It's okay to feel worried about going to a new school. I know exactly how you feel.

    Try to keep your mind off of the bad parts. A new school means new people that you can meet, and new friends, too. It's a new start. To calm your nerves, you can talk to your old friends about this problem, they will most likely be helpful. Most people are going through the same thing, even if they went to the school last year.

    Everyone worries about this stuff sometimes.

    Good luck in your new school!

  3. Well, first of, realize that you are by no means the only one feeling like this.  And also, don't think of not knowing anyone as a bad thing.  Think about it as a great opportunity to make new friends.  And don't worry about calming your nerves.  They'll calm themselves after a few hours, trust me.  And no, it's not anxiety, it's called taking on a new experience.  Just take it in stride, try to be freindly, and be yourself.

  4. Just use a smile to everyone,they would be your not afraid of others,what you give to them,what you will recieve.

    Wish you have a good begin:)

  5. See section 9 at on being popular, etc. Start with COMPREHENSIVE POST. GENERAL POST: SHYNESS & SOC. ANX  and approach people with sensible questions: try to work out what people are like, and start study groups and homework groups.

  6. Just go to school and dont talk to no one be the quiet one trust me.

    People will find out that your new and there going to talk to you.

    Maybe even ask you for paper or like a pencil they always do.Ask you for your name and dont be rude just talk to who ever talks to you.I know how it feels dont know NO ONE just go to class and be calm alot of peopel feel the same way to.Just be patient or you star talking to people in your on class or when you need to pair up look for someone you want to pair up with you know or wait till the teacher puts you with someone.The person who sits next to you just text on your phone or be chillan while teacher is teachin do something else you get attention and be look at you as chillan like you dont care you know haha realax

    have fun at school!

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