
What should i do,tell them or keep quiet?

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I am 14 yrs old and i have been on this diet where i slightly starve myself but recently i cant seem to kick the habit im according to my parents loosing to much weight.I am a size 4 jeans if i can find any and i keep getting nudges off my parents such as if you dont eat i'll take you to the doctors.I looking was looking on the net about having eating dis-order's and i got slightly scared because it said that if you miss more than 3 monthly period than it's a high risk that you have a eating dis-order.I have missed 2 and im scared if i have a eating disorder.Should i tell my step-mum that i have missed 2 monthly periods or should i just keep quiet?




  1. You should certainly tell.

    All the best.

  2. Yes it is essential you tell your step-mum, from what you are saying she is already really concerned about you. Missing periods is only one aspect of an eating disorder but all the things you are saying points to you having one.  I also think you know it within your heart? In lots of ways you are fortunate that you realise there is something a miss. I imagine your mum will take you to your GP or community nurse if you have one.  Hopefully, you will be put on a diet that will improve your general health, get you to a normal weight for your age and then get you on a healthy diet with what your weight will remain stable.  I have a relation now almost 17 and she has been hospitalised since 12, only home for a very short period but couldn't eat and back to square one. She is in a terrible state and really as a family we are all now thinking the worst.  This is not a tall story to frighten you, just letting you see what happens when an eating disorder gets a strong hold.  You seem to be just on the brink so get help NOW and all should be well.  Best wishes.

  3. Been there. Please tell her before it goes too far. Once you've done it for a while, it gets harder and harder to turn it around. Take the help they want to give you. Tell them they're right and you're scared. They'll take it from there.  

  4. I think you should tell your parents now and let them know that you are trying to ease back into eating regularly. It sounds like they would be supportive! The fact that you've missed two periods is NOT a good thing. Your internal organs get messed up when you starve. My stepmom had a friend who can not bear children because she had a diet of gum and black coffee for over 5 years. This is serious, but you can make the decision to get better TODAY.

    Don't jump into eating a lot, either. Take it slow, but try to eat a little more each day. You have to help your body forge a habit of eating more often. I used to eat less each day, but once I started feeling kind of dead inside, I knew i had to eat more regularly.

    So try to start with a good breakfast. It doesn't have to be huge, it just has to be something! Maybe a small bowl of cereal with milk or even a piece or two of toast. I never used to eat breakfast, but once I started, I noticed great improvement in my energy level over the course of the day. Then move on to the other meals as necessary.

    It's going to feel worse before it feels better. Just know that it's the right thing, and stick with it! Tell your step-mum. She will help.

  5. Yes, I would sit and talk to your step-mom about what you have shared with us.  It would be good now to help your body.  Starving yourself can have dire consequences healthwise.  Let your parents help you with this problem, please.  

  6. If you can start eating 3 meals a day without a problem, then there's little need to worry your step-mum about it. However, if you're struggling to eat healthily or there are other factors affecting your eating habits, then speak to her about it immediately.

    I know it's cliched, but lots of water, a regular sleeping pattern and at least half an hour exercise a day should help with your appetite.

    That's my opinion.

  7. You gotta to tell it.

    If you don't then your health will get worst.

  8. This is how anorexia and/or bulimia start and YOU CAN DIE from it.  Absolutely tell someone.  People love you and don't want to lose you.

  9. of course you should tell. It's not like you're telling her you're pregnant, just that you think you might have a disorder. folks are there to help, I know it's easy to forget but its true

  10. If you are starving yourself that is called anorexia nervosa. It is not healthy to lose a ton of weight over a short period of time and if you have lost 20-30 pounds in a month, then that might be a problem.

    Eat when you are hungry, and eat healthy foods and you will be fine.

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