
What should i do,when my new comments in yahoo360 don't appear,and the old ones can't be deleted?

by Guest33013  |  earlier

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What should i do,when my new comments in yahoo360 don't appear,and the old ones can't be deleted?




  1. That is a recent glitch experienced by many people lately. Please see my past answer on this subject here:;...

    It can't be fixed, but you MAY be able to work around it.

  2. I don't know anyone who isn't having major problems with their 360's... because..

    Yahoo is in the process of launching a new platform here on this site.

    The 360 will no longer be called the 360 after this.. we will have a new blogger and other things which yahoo has not announced yet.. Until that then they have stopped doing maintenance on the 360 and have pulled a lot of the server from it to give it to the new platform,  it is extremely difficult to not give up on this site lately.. they set a date for the change over to take place through a letter to a friend of mine who published it in a blog to us.. but  it has passed us by already.. .

    The 360 product blog has a blog posted by Matt Warburton .. the new head of Yahoo.. that explains most of the questions you might have.. here is the link to that blog

    I hope they get it together soon!


    This explains why we are having the bugs and why they are not being fixed.

    It make take a day or two but then it will work for a while.

    Just keep trying to delete the old ones and hopefully it will work on a  lucky day when things are working

    There is really not much else to do but keep trying. l know how you feel, l am there too.

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