
What should i do?? HELP PLEASE!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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ok i was datng this guy for over a year and we broke up cause i had to move but i was talking to him the other day and he is telling me he might be g*y. and i feel like it was my fault and that i wasnt a good girlfriend. should i feel this way???? please help




  1. no

    u cant cause someone ot be g*y like that

    its not anyones fault

    just be there for him as a friend

  2. no  

  3. common sense:guys dont go g*y cause they had a bad girlfriend ! chill hun dont stress your self out.maybe he's just trying to make you feel bad or your the only one he feels comfortable with telling.dont blame your self

  4. no he was probably always g*y.. he probably was just confused at the time and just kept dating girls and figured it isnt working out with girls, so he is finally coming out of the closet, my friend had alot of bad experiences with  girls, but since he was 12 hes always thought he was g*y, now hes 22 and he just came out of the closet

  5. no

  6. NOT YOUR FAULT !!!!!!!!

    You cannot make anyone g*y, neither can you make someone g*y straight.

    Pass this one by and don't worry about it. He probably had g*y feelings while he was with you. You had no control over that,  it's his way.

    Good Luck

  7. if u feels something wrong   dont think about it and need not to worry much   go forward  u have a wonderful life in ur future.

  8. no it is so not ur fault grilfriends are not perfect and don't worry my sister dated this guy and he turned g*y and there is nothing wrong with him so there will be nothing wrong with ur x and it is not ur fault  

  9. NO!

    Nothing you could ever do can turn someone g*y or straight.

    He was probably really confused and was trying to see if he really was g*y and be happy that hes actually admitted to it and accepted it.

    Its just his attraction. Dont feel bad because you did absolutely nothing wrong.

  10. its  not your fault maybe he doesnt want another  girl because maybe it hurt him so much that you moved  away maybe he doesnt want to be hurt again talk to him tell him that you still  care for him and dont want him to turn g*y.

  11. Just stop talking to him, he does not like you or want anything to do with you.  He is just say that so you leave him the h**l alone.

  12. no Honey it's not your fault. I think in a way he probably always knew. It's hard for some people to accept. You should feel great taht he was comfortable enough to tell you, it's a very big step. Just support him, and be his friend.

    by the way the persons answer above me is a a**....just ignore that one...very rude

  13. No, if he's g*y he's g*y. Totally not your fault.

  14. nooo! its totally not your fault... things like this just happen. trust me.

  15. OMG Girl its not your fault at all!  Just because you had to move does not make you a bad girlfriend.  

  16. No Definately not!

    If he has started becoming attracted to men then thats up to him.

    His hormones will tell him this not you!

    Dont be worried about this at all its not your fault.

    You must have been a brilliant girlfriend because you thought that if you had to move it would of hurt him so it was best to let him down carefully and sooner.

    Dont worry, just be his friend and listen to his opinions, none of this is to do with you or your fault.

  17. it's not your fault, he just feels likes he likes guys better...

  18. did you give him a magic potion called g*y future. If not then it has nothing to do with you,

  19. nope nope nope....

    it's not ur fault...

    he might've always been g*y...

    he was just in the closet and going out with you b/c he was confused

    its not your fault tho

  20. It's not your fault, it's his deal. If anything, say "okay" and don't take notice of it. There's nothing wrong with being g*y, and you shouldn't look at him any differently.

  21. no..

  22. My dear Ash.....

    NOOOOO WAY, honey !!! You should not have ..."an atom of doubt", that such a "change" coulkd be caused by..."you" !!!! h**l Nooooo, baby !!! You see, Ash...this is his own choice, he decided his "sexual preference" all...-by HIMSELF- !!! You definately had : No part in this !!! So: please...-stop worrying- Ash !!! Everything will be all right soon....I am sure, you're a nice girl & you'll find "another" boyfriend, who's worthy of you !!

    Wishing you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with all my love & care.... Annette****

  23. If this guy is g*y then its not your fault. You're not a bad girlfriend so you don't need to feel bad about it.

  24. no its not your fault he could've been g*y the whole time

  25. No, if he says hes g*y then he was g*y to begin with.  

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