
What should i do? Hurt knee injury!!!?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i slid playing soccer and my right knee dug into the ground and i felt and heard it pop. I hurt just a little bit at the moment. After practice and once i got home it hurt really bad. I couldnt sleep last night because of the pain. THis mornig it was hurting even more. THe inside of my leg where the knee is at hurts really bad and the outside of my leg where the knee is is swollen. .

WHat should i do, please help, i have a championship game this sunday, should i risk it????




  1. Ice will help but only on the first day or so. First I think you should definatley go see a doctor, if you want a long term career in sports or if you are very active! You could have  just spained something in your knee. I'm not quite sure of this but I think you may have a torn ACL or torn miniscus which is a pretty common injury.... I have a torn ACL and I also tore it playing Soccer and when I tore it I heard a really loud pop too. The reason I think you have this is because the night I hurt my knee I had felt the worst pain I had ever felt in my life so I ended up going to the hospital the next day to figure out what was really wrong. and my twin sister tore her's too but it was a year before mine. We both will have to get surgery for it. When we play sports we know have to wear a brace. Anyway I don't recommend risking playing if your doctor says so you should if not don't do it. When I hurt my knee I was out on cruches for a week. So hope this helps and I really hope your injury isn't that bad. Good luck seriously it really sucks though....

  2. my friend had the same incident. i think you either tore a muscle, or popped your knee really bad. Go to the doctor, so he can probably give you the diagnostic and all, and probably a brace for the knee. Hopefully it will be fine by sunday. Hope your knee gets better.

    P.S: Ice is always an option.

  3. You definitely should NOT risk it... unless you want your long-term soccer career to be done.  You definitely need to see a doctor because the fact that you heard a "pop" could mean you could have seriously injured your knee.  Please don't risk it!!! i have had many injures and i am just now recovering from an overuse injury in my knee from soccer.  It is much better to miss a couple games and be able to play for the rest of your life than play in pain for one game and escalate the situation by possibly worsening the damage to the joint.

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