
What should i do I dnt have a vet an my Guinea pig is Preg...(Im broke I have a dollor 2 mi name)If that...?

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UGH,,, Help




  1. You shouldn't allow your guinea pig access to a male unless it (or the male) are neutered.  There are already so many guinea pigs in shelters that need homes.  

    You shouldn't need a vet for a guinea pig's pregnancy.  Just make sure she has extra bedding to make a nest and extra food so she has all the energy she needs for the pregnany and nursing.  

    Do research on the internet about how to look after the babies when they arrive.

  2. uh u could always sell the piggies. or do u mean help with the pregnancy? in that case there are lots of good sites u could go to for help try

    or google pregnant Guinea pig

  3. You don't need a vet for them.  The only reason you would need a vet is if you had an older guinea pig because their pelvic bones would have fused together making it impossible for her to deliver her babies.  In that case she would need a C-section.  Otherwise it isn't a big deal.  Once she has the babies she knows what to do.  Mine had a litter of three.  That is the norm.  Just make sure that she has plenty of water, pellets, and hay and add liquid vitamins for guinea pigs to her water.

  4. just let it have its babies.  usually they will survive perfectly fine. then advertise them in the newspaper and sell them. after of course they are weened from their mom.

  5. I hate saying this.. because everyone seems to say it now.. but it is really true.. If you cant afford to take your pet to the vet, maybe you shouldnt have one to begin with? You could surrender it to a no-kill animal shelter. or try to rehome it with someone who can afford to take care of it.

    or you can do what the rest of the people who think small animals are disposable pets do, and just let nature take its course.   Most animals are able to give birth to healthy babies without any help from us humans. of course you will need to give her a littler extra food, hay and water, and you will have to make sure theres enough food for the babies when it comes that time.. and when they come of age you will have to seperate the males and the females..

    Since you obviously  have access to the internet you should spend atleast a few hours looking for information on guinea pigs, and breeding, and any special needs that the babies might have. you should be able to find all the information you could possibly need online. and if you need more information, you can try calling a local vet and asking them questions over the phone, or maybe you could set up payment plans with them, paying $20 a month until its paid off or something.

    If you really are totally broke and unable to feed your pets properly (dry food, veggies, lots of hay and water)  please surrender them to someone who can.

  6. If it's under six months, she'll probably have and care for the babies with no problem.

    If she's over six months, she'll may die during labour as her pelvic bones will have fused.

    I hope you didn't let her get pregnant, because it's very irresponsible if you have no money.

  7. Read up at to prevent complications

  8. You can't afford to thave it taken to a vet?


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