
What should i do? I eat tomuch ..Being eat?

by  |  earlier

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I try eveyday to eat a balanced meal so that i can get a fast motabolisum...but right after i eat dinner i start to fill an erge to eat i can go throw a whole box of cereal, lofes of bread and still keep eating...then aftorwords i feel like c**p..fat...eta.....even if i drink tons of water to crave my appitite i still eat everything in sight...what can i do?




  1. I'm not sure what you mean about "Being eat?" But as for your hunger I would suggest that you eat several smaller meals/snacks throughout the day. Try to make sure  to include protein and complex carbs. Make sure to drink plenty of water too. Hope that helps. :)

  2. you can form a club with me as a member.

    I do the same thing every single day.  I excercize every day (or atleast 6 days a week)

    I eat sensibly all day long, balanced and healthy and as soon as nightfall comes....I turn into a non-stop eating machine.  It's so hard for me to control myself.  I"m not fat but I could get fat so easilly.  If you figure out what to do to stop this behavior please let me know.  Maybe we could crazy glue our lips together?

  3. I sounds like you have a lot of nervous energy. Perhaps finding a an active hobby or activity would help. In addition to this, keeping a food diary might be helpful as well. You can put down what you ate and the portion and what you were feeling at the time. No one else has to see what you wrote, but you might find it therapeutic. The more you tap into your state of mind, the closer you may come to find the answer as to why you are overeating.

  4. eat a chicken salad or some kind of salad and then drink a glass of water or iced tea . then watch a little tv or take a nap that works 4 me .   plus dont buy n e thing too fatty once in a while u can have something sweet.

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