
What should i do Iv Killed the neighbours fish?

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My neighbors are away on holiday for 2weeks and they asked me to look after their fish and 2 cats anyway i come in twice a day i feed the fish and feed the cats but today when i went in i noticed a fish tail on the hall carpet i looked in to discover that the fish have been eaten by the cats as o forgot to put the lid back down on the fish tank should i come clean they had these fish for 8yrs i don't know what to do they are due back on friday.




  1. i agree with no spam. apologize and get them a new fishy.

  2. just tell them they will understand every one is fallible and prone to make mistakes just say I'm really sorry and tell them that you will get them a another tank like a 10 gallon, a filter, and buy them new fish something hardy like guppies(males only, they are prettier than females and they don't produce babies)and all the matinence I'm sure they will understand trust me.

  3. Well, depends, it is in a group with lots of the same fish? Like neon tetras? If so, uby a new one! But if it is like a goldfish or a betta, you will need to opologize.=)

  4. Don't buy another fish.  It's an oscar, they've had for 8 years, so adding a new one in the tank wouldn't be good because they can be territorial to any new fish.  And you'll have a difficult time finding a large enough one to go with the live one.  

    AND, you should quarantine all new fish for at least 2 weeks.  It would really suck to buy a new one for them, toss it in their tank, and it kills the other 8 year old oscar from some bacterial or parasite infection.  Let them buy a new fish if they want a new one.

    Be honest with them, tell them you left the lid up, and the fish most likely jumped out, and kitty ate it.  I'm sure they may be upset, but they'll get over it.  Offer to buy them a new one, and I wouldn't take any money from them if they were paying you to watch their animals.

    Good luck!

  5. Do you know what kind of fish they were? Could you buy a replacement at the pet store? If not, you're just going to have to 'fess us. But don't fret - people don't normally get that attached to fish. They're just decoration - sort of like moving wallpaper. They'd probably be more upset if something happened to the cats. But they may not ask you to look after their critters next time.....

  6. Just buy a replacement, and be happy one of the cats didn't drown in the tank, It would be harder to find an Identical cat.LOL

  7. 8 you think they might be upset, lol??

    Try not to kill the cat before they get home, and tell them they don't need to pay you, if they were going to.

    If all else fails, cry.

  8. buy another fish that looks like it.

  9. Buy them a replacement fish and apologize.

  10. I agree with everyone here.  Own up to the mistake.  Explain what happened openly and honestly.  Buy a new fish for the neighbors with some of the money that you earned (if they're paying you).  If those fish were Oscars, they can be very expensive!  And they can be hand-tamed by the owner.  So, 8 years of having the same fish, they'd have to work to get those same qualities back in the new Oscars.

  11. Oh. It was an accident. I would explain what happened and apologize. Hopefully they will be understanding. Accidents happen.  

  12. Oh...I feel sorry for you...the only thing you can do is apoligize, don't accept any payment, beg for forgivness, and before they come home, beat the living c**p out of the cats.....just kidding don't beat the cats!!  

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