
What should i do? Please Help!

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my parents love that I run cross country, and I hate it. A lot. So cross country practice starts tomorrow, and I've been running about 20 minutes each day over the summer, but coach said he's gonna make us run 40 minites. I can't do this and I don't want to emberass myself. What should I do? I'm undeer tons of pressure. I really want to quit and focus on my studies and maybe play tennis, should I?




  1. Depends on how old you are and how long have you been doing cross country and how long do you spend on your studies. Provide more information.

  2. yes!

    lifes too short to do thing u really dont wanna do.

    soo explain to ur parents & coach how u feel

    ... and quit if you can :)

    just tell them that you're not enjoyin it any more

    and about focusing on your studies

    good luck!

    love phoebe x

  3. Hey,

    Ok I  had kinda the same problem I been doing gymnastix for 9 years and I got so sick of if but i was really good and there was a big competition coming up and I really diddnt want to so this is what I said to my parents: Mom, Dad I've decided that I dont want to do gymnastix anymore, I really don't like it but you do and its not what I like doing and I really want to do basketball because it will be fun and its what I want to do. Now say that to your parents just switch gymnastix to track and basketball to tennis. Tennis is really fun to, its not hard and you have fun, I bet you will like it.

    Have fun

    Good luck!

    Take care!

  4. If you really do hate cross country then don't do it. I can't see how you will  embarrass yourself. Just explain to your parents how you fell and what you want. I'm sure they will love you and you choice as long as you are honest. You can do a good job doing something that you don't like doing.

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