
What should i do? Spider Bite Now!?

by Guest44587  |  earlier

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I think i just got bite by a spider like 10 mins ago, i had this little tiny sting and i looked at it and a tiny harry spider (i was not sure if its a spider or not, i just slap it off fast). I can barely only feel a little sting but it gone now. How should i do, is it serious or should i just leave it? What are the effects if its serious or just a bite? The night before i felt like some things were crawling up my leg! i had a feeling it was baby spiders should i still sleep in my room?




  1. Identify what type of spider has bitten you.

    Clean the site of the spider bite well with soap and water. Apply a cool compress over the spider bite location. Aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) may be used to relieve minor signs and symptoms in adults. Don't give aspirin to children. Give children acetaminophen instead. Treatment in a medical facility may be necessary for children under 6 years old and for adults with severe signs and symptoms.

    If bitten by a brown recluse or black widow spider

    If possible, make a positive identification. If the spider bite is on an arm or a leg, tie a snug bandage above the bite to help slow or halt the venom's spread. Ensure that the bandage is not so tight as to cut off circulation in the arm or the leg.

    Use a cold cloth at the spider bite location. Apply a cloth dampened with cold water or filled with ice.

    Seek immediate medical attention. Treatment for the bite of a black widow may require an anti venom medication. Doctors may treat a brown recluse spider bite with corticosteroids.

    Don't use the room till you have thoroughly cleaned the room and sprayed insecticide.

  2. well youll probabably develop superpowers and go on to fight evil under the alias of spiderman(woman).

    If you dont

    than you shouldny be worried unless it gets really red and swollen or if you see a red line forming.

    as for your "baby spider" problem.

    wash your sheets.


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