
What should i do about a guy i like?

by  |  earlier

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i really like this guy. he is new to my school and he will only be at my school for this year. my friend likes him and she is getting really close to him. she told me that she would not go out with him since i really like him. im pretty sure and me and him laugh together a lot. so i guess we are friends but i want him to know that i really really like him. i just dont know how to tell him

sorry if its a little confusing lol

but please help.




  1. welll tell him

    that you like him

  2. if you like him tell him...i know its hard....but nothing is impossible....right...send him cards..which are too loving...

  3. Start with making sure your on the same page. The worst feeling would be too think he likes you and be wrong. So you should be good if you ask him if he has any interest.

  4. Just tell him that you really like him and thinks he is a cool guy. But if he doesn't happen to like you like the way you want him too then that's okay as well. One thing for sure, is never lose a friendship over a guy. If your 100% sure that your friend is totally okay with you talking to a guy that she likes as well then make a move sure. But really check into because she might just act like she really doesn't care when she really does.

    Try to hang out with him and get to know him a little bit better before you actually tell him. Find out what he likes, and what he doesn't. See what you guys have in common. Then tell him how you feel if your getting the idea that he's into you as well.

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