
What should i do about a skunked beer?

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  1. use it in cooking.

    use it to marinate brats or put in a beef stew... or roast.. or steak marinade

    the taste will burn off but the alcohol will tenderize the meat.

  2. Toss it.

    Beer gets skunked when it's introduced to UV light.  It doesn't get skunked when it gets old or when you keep it in different temperatures.  That's all something else.

  3. Throw it away and in the future pay attention to the born on date.  Do not take anything that is over 100 days old from the born on date.  Also, only buy your beer from the beer cooler at the store.  Many stores will buy beer in lots and store it in their 80 degree back room and it gets skunky really quick.  Once you find a store that sells unskunked beer stick with that store.  Likewise, once you find a store that sells skunky beer don't buy it from there any more.  You can't return beer (at least in New York State we can't.) but you can complain to the manager of the store.

  4. use it for cooking meets and stuff

    great for marinates

  5. throw it away and get a good beer asap!

  6. ... put it to sleep ...

  7. use it as a marinade. good with chicken

  8. Im sorry, but you must put this beer down. Its suffering. You can get a new beer. It will be just like the old one. I know you love this beer, we all love our beer. If you love alot, put it out of its misery.

  9. Yeah... Get some brat's and a pan and some sliced onions and put the beer in and grill it up until it is bubbling!

    You can't drink that c**p unless your REALLY hard up to get drunk!

  10. throw it away

  11. Use it to cook Steaks.

  12. casually give it to your worst enemy (of legal drinking age)

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