
What should i do about evil goblin saddo?

by  |  earlier

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no, im not tripping out "goblin" just seemed to bo the only thing close enough to descibe. anyway, im 15 yr old female from the uk been fostered for about 6-7yrs now and its h**l! my gaurdians have a 39yr old daughter that still lives with her parents!!! she treats me really nastily and is sly and looks through my things when im at school. she is an alcoholic and is always in a foul mood and when im alone she always shouts at me and the dog. she takes everything out on me but ive got my own issues and dealing with her mood everyday is draining. im on anti depressants at the moment because im so stressed with other issues in my life, let alone the constant battle to use the milk in the fridge or go to the toilet next door to my room (she wont let me she storms out slamming doors but if i shout back im in trouble with my gaurdians!!!)

thats not even half the story but its a baisc picture of my situation at least... surely i shouldn't have to cope with unnecessary stress like this? SOS




  1. If you cannot talk to your case worker go and see your Connexions Personal Adviser who will be able to offer you help and advice.

  2. long ??

  3. If you are being fostered, you must surely have a case worker in regular contact with you and this should be discussed at your meetings.  If you don't feel free to talk during the visit, you really need to contact the fostering agency.  They are the people who should be helping you :)

  4. Put some Rohipnol in her booze, that'll knock her out quick, and you won't have to deal with her.

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