
What should i do about making decent freinds?

by Guest34460  |  earlier

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I am 21 years old. female i am married to a asian man and i have now converted to islam i think the woman get treat with respect in the muslim religion. my propblem is makin freinds, english people dont really like me coz i do notlike to go out drinkin or partying i prefer to stay at home and watch dvds and relax or shop cook etc yet foreign people dont like me because they think that because im english im a **** n i drink etc. people seem to judge me before they really know me wot can i do?




  1. Is there a way that you can make friends through friends of your husband or through your religion? I'm not really sure about Muslim traditions, but I imagine that there would be groups of women doing things together just as there is in any community. It might take people a while to get used to someone that has converted into their religion but they will eventually, just relax and be yourself.

    The sad thing is that so many think that partying and drinking means that you have a good life and a fun time. It's so far from the truth.

    You could also look for cooking classes, groups of people that cook together, or people that discuss movies and/or books.  There is people like you out there, the problem is finding them since they are the kinds that prefer to stay at home and watch DVDs and relax and so on. =)

  2. Make Allah as your best friend and you will find entire world in your feet.

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