
What should i do about mt school?

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Hi, i got into this school in leeds called woodhouse grove, but im the only person from my primary school whos going there all of my other friends are going to st bedes and st josephs i dont want to go to woodhouse grove but it is one of the best schools in the country i have a bf and hes going 2 st bedes if i dont go to st josephs what if he meets another girl when i still fink im going out wid him?? what should i do? go to woodhouse grove or go to st josephs? HELP




  1. Why do you have to go to this school - is someone forcing this choice on you?  

    If your parents ahve meade this decision for you sit down and talk to them in a calm and mature way, don't mention the boyfriend issue - just talk about how you would be much happier at a school where all your friends will be.

    Try not to turn it into an argument or you won't win.

    Good luck.

  2. It doesn't matter what school your bf and your friends are going to, it matters what school you wanna go to.

    I was in the same situation with my friends. The 4 of us went to completely different schools, and after 3 years we're still good friends. You don't need to worry about keeping in touch with them.

    As for your bf, if you can trust him with your life, you've got nothing to worry about.


  3. Your education is more important . Ask your parents what do they think?

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