
What should i do about my bf??

by  |  earlier

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what to do about my bf?? we just recently starting going out and he hasnt called be in over a week! idk what to do. he works nights but he always has time to call be if its even in the mornings. i called him three days in a row he didnt answer. i sent him a text saying i was mad at him and he didnt respond. i thought that maybe he lost his phone or something but he would have called me on his house phone atleast. and i saw him on facebook a couple of days ago. so he has time for facebook but doesnt have time to call me??? what is going on idk what to do help!! last time we were together we had a good time laughing and everything. i know he's not in trouble or anything like that. i dont understand and i dont wanna believe he's a bad guy because he's really not. wtf is going on what should i do??




  1. Just give him a blo.wjob

    im sure he'll call you then.  

  2. he may have lost intrest

  3. i agree with the not calling him and not answering if he calls back. but you have to make him notice things. if you have some close guy friends, bump them up on your top friends and stuff. try and amke him a little jelouse, just not too jelouse incase he really did loose his phone or something.

    dont tell him your mad, they get the point. then if he comes over or you bump into each other just tell him your really busy and you have to go, that you two can talk later if he calls (that will be the one you answer) then give him a quick kiss on the cheak and run off somewhere in a hurry.  

  4. I would start dating guys in your own area and forget long distant relationships.

  5. try to not think

    about it and fursure dont

    call him anymore and i kno

    its gonna be reallllllly hard

    but when he starts calling you

    DONT ANSWER.when you see him

    or do talk to him just say that

    you didnt answer because you thought

    ya'll were broken up.a week is a long

    time to go w/out calling they're girlfriend.

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