so there is this guy. his name is kyle. i really feel like i love him even though i haven't ever gone out with him. yet he makes me smile every time i see him especially wen I'm really sad!!
i love him because he's always been there. he never makes rude comments. he's nice. he's sweet. &&nd he really cares! he makes me smile, and most of all he's different then anyone i've ever met!
yet the problem is that kyle is really popular!!, and im just an average person who hangs out with lots of popular kids. i feel like im an outsider when im around him... another thing is it breaks my heart to see him when he's upset, and i can't do anything about it.
it's been abt 2 years, yet i feel like i've known him for all my life!
it's sad cause i've even tried to forget him, but i always end up bac where i left off......secretly hiding my true feelings for him!
so if anybody would like to help!! -- please i need advice....
**weather to tell him i love him or just go on and act like i dnt.