
What should i do about my depressing family?

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my dad is a real jackass but i thought me and my mom wud be close. but the past year i cant seem to get along with either of my parents. what the h**l is wrong? for example me and my mom were getting alone fine...she had brought me back a movie from this girl i was kinda late and i was looking 4 it so i was going in her room looking 4 it quietly to not wake her up. she was still up so i asked her where it was. she told me, then i asked her y had she not gone ahead and put it in my room? that REALLY upset her!!!!!!! she told me to go to bed immediately and tht i couldnt watch "the office" at all tonight!! then she told me to hurry up and leave tht she was trying to sleep. does tht not sounf like a b**** to u. ill just watch it on my portable dvd player l8er so its not a problem but its the same s*** daily. im 14 and i havent gotten along with my dad 4 a long time. my brother didnt either. but my mom is different. idk what is wrong with her. she says its me but i beg to differ.... shes 49 btw. my only brother has his own apt. btw and my dad is gone most of the time. (pilot) thanks!




  1. Sounds like your mom is probably a bit on edge and she might be sad you're growing up, so its hard for her to accept. A lot of times, when kids get to be teenagers parents want to hang on a little tight and that makes them try to hold on to their control by being a little pushy. I mean, they have been responsible for you your whole life, and its not easy for them to transition into letting you make more choices and being responsible for yourself. It was thoughtful of you to try to be quiet when you went into your mom's room to get the movie, and it wasn't that big of deal to ask her where it was when you saw she was awake...where you went wrong was starting a conversation by asking y she didn't put it in your room; while a very minor thing, she WAS trying to go to sleep, and what answer were you really looking for? this case, she probably overreacted, but I'm sure it just came down to her being overly tired...sometimes it may be better to think things through a little more and consider how she will react before you say something. I'm sure she loves you. If you feel you have always been close, maybe you should just talk to her. Tell her how much she means to you and how important it is to you that you remain close. I know she feels the same way. Even though it really wasn't a big deal, maybe you should tell her you're sorry you disturbed her while she was trying to go to bed and you will try to be more considerate in the future. I'm fairly certain she will reply with an apology of her own. The important thing to remember is that you can't resolve your problems if you don't talk about them, and even though it can be hard always try to be calm, considerate, and respectful. I hope it works out well for you, and never forget, sometimes moms make mistakes too, but that doesn't mean they don't love you...

  2. You need to give your mom some space. She probably did not put the movie in your room out of respect for your personal space (this being your bedroom). You going into her room late at night and rooting thru her things looking for the dvd was not your place. You could have waited until another time to ask her about it. I'm sure that you wanted to watch it that night, but disturbing your mother late at night was not the proper time to ask. She was probably more angry from lack of sleep than she was at your disrespect. Apologize to your mother and move on. Lesson learned now go from there.  

  3. Sounds like the problem is between mom and dad and you are there for them to take it out on instead of them fighting with each other. Sadly that is what happens in most families. Just try to talk to mom and ask her whats wrong. Maybe she needs to talk to a pastor or marriage counselor. Good luck.

  4. your mother could be having her own problems,could be with your dad or your brother or something else.You are only 14 years old so she wont open up to you,but try talking  to her,maybe she could be just waiting for someone to talk.

  5. Sounds like you are hitting puberty and she is hitting menopause at the same time.  Also, some people don't like to be awaken by someone rooting around their room in the middle of the night!

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