
What should i do about my drug test?

by  |  earlier

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i got offered employment at a nursing home, which required me to take a drug test and a tb test. i was supposed to take the drug test on friday, but my wallet was in my bf's car (i needed it to take the drug test) and by the time he got home that day, it was too late for me to drive over there to take the test. i went to the location yesterday to take the test and i was told to halfway fill a pretty large cup with a urine sample. i wasn't prepared to do that, so when it was time to do so, i came out of the restroom with (according to the tester) less than enough urine (like i said, i didn't know he'd need like a half a cup of pee). the tester immediately said it wasn't enough urine, walked over to the toilet where i had been and he told me that i shouldn't have flushed after i was done (he should have told me before). he then instructed me to drink 5 full glasses of water and to wait in the waiting room. i drank all of the water, and he came back to me and told me that due to lack of enough urine to test and the test indicating that the urine was cold (WHAT?!) he called my new job, told them the situation, and they instructed him to stop the test. i called hr as soon as i could yesterday, and i've called them several times today, but no one is in. i'm afraid i'm being given the runaround.

i'm really irritated, because there is NO WAY that there should have been a problem with my urine test. i don't do any kind of drug and i haven't even had a glass of wine within the last month. maybe the cup was cold because it touched the water when i was going. i guess they are thinking that i tried to sneak urine in from somewhere else. either way, i'm afraid that my new employer is going to think that i'm really a druggie when i'm not. what should i say (short of begging) to plead my case and assure my employer that i am NOT a drug user and i should be allowed to retest?




  1. funny that they wanted so much. most places 1-2 inches can work but it has to be warm, or done in a certain amount of time.

    yes it does sound like you were given a runaround and still are.but the testing site probably did think that you were trying to get around the test. the cup shouldnt have been anywhere near the water when going, and most places tell you upfront not to flush even post it in the bathrooms.

    you may just want to try to get another job the one that you were offered the job has in a roundabout way that they are not interested.

    next time you know what needs to happen and what not to happen so be prepared to pee alot, and not touch the cup to anything other than yourself.

  2. print off a copy of this question and take it to them......................

    circumstances arise sometimes and the way you explain what happened has a huge impact on the outcome. take ownership of the problem and ask that they allow you to test. good luck!

  3. You are in a tough place here.  For one thing, you were supposed to take the test Friday, and you missed the test.  This tells the employer that you are not committed to getting the job, or that you don't follow instructions very well.  Then the problem with the drug tester. (I worked as a lab tech, and this guy sounds off the wall and unreliable.  For one thing, they should never be taking urine from a toilet to test, and if he didn't want to you flush, it should have been in the instructions given to you.)  I think the only way you will have a chance here is to make an appointment with the HR person, and find out what you can do to make things right.  Don't make a bunch of excuses.  HR will not care that your bf didn't get home on time for you to get to the lab, or that you couldn't give a large enough specimen.  All these failings are just an excuse not to give you a job, and move on to another candidate

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