
What should i do about my evergreen tree?

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My father had a evergreen tree transplanted to his yard in October of 2007. He damaged the roots very badly, and I think it's starting to take effect on the tree in this hot weather (around 90 degrees.) It's becoming limp, and the green is starting to dull into a brown. Is there anything I could possibly do besides water it heavily?

Its about 12 foot tall and has foliage like the tree in this link below.




  1. The problem with transplanting anything is getting enough of the roots.  But people think just becuase it looks like they got a lot of roots the plant may not agree.  Its like sewing most of your mouth down to the size of a coffee mixer straw, and trying to get enough to eat and drink to live.  

    The big roots you see near the tree bottom are for support and transport from the feeder roots which are the many small hair like ones at the ends of the large ones.  

    What's happening is the leaves are loosing more water than what the damaged roots can draw in.  You need to cut back the green so that the roots that are left can supply the water they need.  But if the roots are too damaged you may not be able to save the tree.  And depending on how the green has faired so far, their may not be enough green left to feed the roots that are left.  

    You can try and cut it back, but it may still die back to nothing.  Next spring you may be able to see new green coming on any of the wood that is still alive.  But if there is nothing next spring and the branches just snap off you didn't save it.  Sorry.

  2. try trimming some of the bottom branches off and feed it lots of miracid.  arborvitae's love miracid, on the folage and the root base.  good luck.  they are a nice tree and the birds love them.

  3. If you didn't already try this, put some humus and manure around the tree, which makes the roots stronger, i tried this on my blue spruce trees that were also turning brown, and it worked great.

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