
What should i do about my ex, should i forget about him?

by  |  earlier

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I broke up with my boyfriend couple months ago, because we were both entering high school and i knew we were going to meet new people.

(we went out for about 2 months)

and I told him we should still be friends though..

anyways, he still likes me alot, and I am not 100% if I like him back?

He met this girl Emily and said she was "hot" and they have been flirting, and he said he won't ask her out..

I keep asking him why not... but he won't tell me!! =(

I met several guys that like me as well, and I like some upperclassmen..

The reason I got with him is because he is really sweet and not "sexual".

LOTS of girls think he is cute, but I like guys with some muscle and cuter. He is skinnier then me. But for some reason, every girl is like in love with him.

But I don't know what I should do?

forget about him, never talk to him again?

get back with him?

and why wont he tell me why he wont get with that Emil girl?

Wh do you think he wont..


mean alot if you anwser





  1. soo..umm...why dont you just be friends with him?  

  2. Well dont just get back with him because every other girl thinks hes cute and DON'T get back with him if you're not sure. because than when things end he's just going to end up hurt. it would be a very selfish and immature thing to do.I mean from the way it sounds you don't even really find him all that appealing so therefore it would be a pointless relationship and it would just be mean on your part..poor guy.

  3. Every one changs as they enter high school no one stays the same not even yourself.. maybe its time to move on, and if its meant to be with the other guy it will happen if it dont then thats life enjoy high school cause it goes by so darn fast..

  4. think back about why he is your ex. there is some reason that the two of you broke up. now think about why he is keeping an secret from you about what is going on between him and this other girl. is this the type of relationship you really want? or do you want a relationship where there is openness and honesty and no secrets. your not going to that with him. i suggest that you leave him.

  5. relationships can be hard at times..let him go..he has so many girls chasing after him..some things with guys are not as important as they are with girls in the way we think and see things..

  6. Do what you want

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