
What should i do about my fear?

by  |  earlier

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i have chips and holes in four of my teeth but the problem is I'm really terrified of the dentist and I'm really sensitive to metal objects in my mouth and right now my family doesnt have the most money, any suggestions....anything helps, thanks




  1. Call your insurance company and ask them if they cover anesthesia for basic dental issues. If not, call your dentist and ask how much he'll charge ya to put you under for the procedure. It might quality as dental surgery so ask your dentist to make sure.

  2. Novocain laughing gas and your not gonna care what the dentist does. get your teeth fixed you will feel better and more confedent about yourself .

  3. use toothpaste which are 4 sensitive teeth.try to find a good & cheap dentist.

    good luck

  4. I'm not sure how to get the cheapest fix if you have serious work to be done... but I have a really big fear of metal and drilling in my mouth because my teeth are sensitive.

    They can give you novacaine for your teeth when they work on them and that really helps me.  If you are still afraid, then nitrous oxide (laughing gas) could be an option.  You wouldn't really know too much of what was happening.

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