
What should i do about my friends?

by  |  earlier

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My friends at school were always great and there for me and funny and likable. But ever since like April they have all changed and become really annoying and attention seeking and wanting to be cool and popular. My group of friends isn't the most popular but they all get along with everyone in school and have friends from all different groups. I love them but I don't know what to do anymore. I can't stand how they have become and I've told them and they swore they haven't changed... They are the only people at my school who i get along with (or always used to ) so well! What do i do? Who do i turn to?




  1. Change your self for the better.

    change is the essence of life.

    You have to change your self according to changing time.

  2. They are in adolescence and starting to grow up and experiment with their social relationships (including friendships).  Stay on good terms with them but also begin to reach out to others not in your current group of friends.

    Always remember too that there are generally two categories of friends: close friends (those you confide in) and casual friends (those you pretty much just do fun things with but would not necessarily confide in).  There are also non-friends we call acquaintances.  Not everyone can be your close friend, but at the same time, don't neglect having a steady supply of casual friends or acquaintances.

  3. well chel, i think that you shouldn't give up hope with these friends...if there is in fact no way of changing them, then you shouldn't stick aroudn just because you like them. you liked the old them, not the new one. despite what you may think there are other people that you'll want to be friends with, so don't give up babygirl. who knows maybe there will be a new student that you'll can always turn to your loving boyfriend :)

  4. Bring the to youth gathering organised by churches and attend more motivational talks

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