
What should i do about my horse?

by  |  earlier

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okay so ive had my 8 year old irish warmblood for about 3 years now.

last summer we did GREAT in showing.

but then suddenly he started stopping at fences?

i dont know why hes doing this.

it could be something im doing, i know.

but hes just been acting funny for about a year now.

on crossties if you go up to him too quick he throws a full fit and rears up breaking the crossties.

hes done that so many times ive lost count after 5 times.

its gotten to the point wear my parents dont want me riding him, only my trainer can. hes too dangerous.

do you think i can train him out of this?

or is it time for me to sell him?

its gotten to the point where i dont want to ride anymore...and i love riding =/




  1. Have you had a vet give him a full exam? I know you probably have but just the first thing i would do.

  2. Sounds to me he has a lack of respect for you. Riding isn't the only thing you should do with your horse. Ground work all the time will gain respect. You need to move his feet and make him mind to tell him who is in control. Back him, circle him, and round pen him if you can. At the cross ties, back him down the isle a few times and demand prompt reaction then turns and such. It will help!

    with my horse ( a fjord which is like a workhorse) I use a no-pull halter with the knots to help get him moving because he is lazy.

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