
What should i do about my living situation?

by  |  earlier

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im currenty living with my husbands brother and his wife, my husband was deported about 4 months ago and sent back to mexico, i am trying my hardest to save as much money as i can so i can go live with him, the thing is his brothers wife is really mean to me, she knows i dont have money to spend on things, and she doesnt supply tolet paper in the bathrooms that i can use, ive asked her if i could get some and she says to me well are you planning on buying more? i have been so nice to her and i dont make messes in the house, ive been so stressed and i just dont understand why she is so rude to me, and another thing is when my husband was here in the usa we would help them by sending them money when they needed it which was quite offten. i know this kinda is a funny question or sounds funny, but im starting to get really fed up with this, and i feel like im going to blow up at her. can someone tell me how to win her good side? or what i should do? thanks!




  1. wow. this is a hard one.

    I know that I would blow up in her face.

    BUT... you should be as nice as you possibly can even if you already are. You should probably do more around the house and do things that she might not like to do or say.. " oh no, please let me do that for you." This might be a lot of work but it could also get you on her good side. I have done this before with a friend and now we are best friends. She happened to be starting out in the wrong crowd and I wanted to help her.

    So best of luck!

  2. Ouch this is a tough one. I would simply ask her if she would provide you with some toilet tissue and when you are on your feet you will be more than happy to repay her for helping you out. I wish you all the luck and hopefully you can be with your husband soon.

  3. If she is going to be this petty over something this trivial then work it out so you can buy your own toilet paper. I know the toilet paper at Walgreen's is 89 cents. Buy it for just you. Take it into the bathroom with you and take it with you when you go...

  4. this is a problem you need to tell your husbands brother about

    try and do it quietly, and without the angry wife listening

    perhaps, only perhaps your brothers wife is jealous of you

    With you being so pretty, and well mannered and all

  5. i suggest since you have no where else to go is to do your best and try to buy your own stuff and keep it under lock and key since she is being mean about it also sometimes you just have to REMIND people the things you did for then like how you and your husband used to help then in a time of need and when you leave that home i suggest try keeping to yourself and don't send them money anymore because you've seen her true colors now that you needed the help

  6. It sounds to me like there must be other issues going on with your sister-in-law besides the toilet paper problem.  Maybe you need to sit down with her and have a heart to heart talk to find out why she is being so petty.  Explain to her that you feel terrible having to live with them and are doing everything you know how to return to your husband.  Ask her , in the meantime, what can I do to make things better around here.  I am so sorry you are having problems.  Life does get better, hang in there.

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