
What should i do about my neighbor?

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btw.. i know this is the wrong section, but want more advice, thanks

(sorry for the length) heres the story- my brother and i were weeding yesterday and my dog started barking. she barks occasionally but mostly when other dogs intice her or she sees someone. my neighbor is mentally disturbed and lives with his parents at the general age of 37-40. he started throwing apples at my dog to try and make her shut up, when we already had the situation under control. this isnt the first time hes thrown stuff over the fence. he threw rocks at me and my friend when we were playing catch, he shot an arrow over our fence.. we dont want to escalate the problem to the the point where they will return the favor by complaining to the police about our dog.. we have contemplated about calling the police.. this man has been taken away from his house in a straight jacket one time.. it is truely a nightmare living near this family... what should my family do? thanks

other facts-

-he frequently walks by our house and carrys a pocket knife on him at all times.. he's a big guy

-my dog is inside most of the day.. we let her out to go to the bathroom and to get some air, and thats when she barks.. 90% of the day she is inside




  1. This guy sounds awefun I would call the police because he is trying to hurt you and your animal so I would call the police.

  2. UHMM call the police straight up. im sure if they know the guy they wont have any problem having a reason to lock him up or something. if you feel that your dog is unsafe than you should definitely call!

    *Good luck!*

  3. First off, wrong section. But as per your situation, definitely take pictures or videos of this guy harassing you and your dog and bring the evidence to the police. If he enters your property notify the police that this man is trespassing with intent to do harm. Try to keep your dog away from that side of the yard and inside if possible. You shouldn't have to live in fear in your home, but you definitely need to take legal action. Mentally ill or not, no one has the right to make you feel threatened. Perhaps a restraining order may be in order.

  4. Well if you really feel threatened you need to do something about it. Regardless of him being mentally handicapped, he is putting you and your family in danger and that is no excuse. If he does this to your dog again, you need to call the police and tell them you want a restraining order and anytime he comes near you again you just call the police and they will make sure he is away. There is no reason to feel this way in your own home, and I hope your dog is ok. Just keep him inside, we don't want him getting hurt. Its funny your dog barks, that means he knows something good is not around.

    Just remember this, the guy next door doesn't have the ideal life and he won't be around forever, so just try to avoid it if you can.

    I have never been in this sort of situation but I hope it works out for the best.  

  5. I know you don't want to call the police, but maybe it's the right thing to do. If he's carrying a pocket knife and is mentally disturbed, I think that should be taken away from his reach. Or have a serious talk with his parents and explain to them why you are having problems with his behaviour. I'm sure that if you stay reasonable and humble, there should no longer be any problems. Or maybe you can train your dog not to bark so much when there are people around. Good luck.

  6. dude thats a crppey person... get the h**l away from him

    call the police if he is throwing things at your dog, and its natural for dogs to bark  

  7. I would get a gun & shoot at him, not hitting him but just near him.  We have the right to bare arms in this country & when you are being threatened & feel like you're being attacked, it is your responsibility to fight back for your rights! s***w that jerk! Put him in a mental institution!

  8. Why don't you have a little meeting with his parents and just let them know that he scares the **** out of you and you don't feel safe with your dog being outside, which is very sad. If they don't do anything just call a non-emergency police number and let them know that he is mentally challenged but is a constant disturbance to you and the neighborhood.

  9. Judging from what you mentioned, there is really nothing you can do to a psycho.

  10. keep the freak arrested!!! that is not safe at all! i love the jokr but i never really would kill some1 withh a pocket knife! [i reccomend that the dude doesnt see batman]

  11. it is normal for dogs to bark.  As long as it's not barking 24/7, and is not a threat,  your neighbors have no reason to complain.

    You, however, have a right to feel safe on your property, and to keep your family and pet safe.  So, contacting the parents of this individual or the authorities is completely appropriate.  

  12. Have your neighbor get to know the dog..They could be friends.

  13. Get a restraining order, technically you have done nothing wrong so he is the one who did anything bad. But the court might no do it because he has a mental disability.

    Just for fun call the animal rights activists and tell them this guy abuses animals.

  14. holy crapp i would go to the cops and tell them whats up but tell them just to keep a close eye on his street

  15. i would call the police when he does it again but don't tell him your going to do it. and then tell the police to turn their sirens off when they come down your street and then they can take him away if you shoe them all the rocks and what not he threw in your yard just leave it were they landed and yeah. He should be gone.

  16. sounds like he needs to his family when he is not there.  

  17. Call the police ...(the non-emergency number)

    Explain the situation and tell them you need help so you (your family and dog) can feel safe in your own home/yard

    Being mentally disturbed does NOT give someone the right to terrorize the neighborhood, and that guy needs to get attention because no one should roam around menacing and provoking his neighbors.

  18. Actually, you should call the police and report it. You can file a report without pressing charges but this way he is on file and the police will keep an eye on him. If it is as bad as it sounds, he shoud be having outside help taking care of him and not his family They are not doing a good job. Take it from someone who knows.

  19. I would befriend him  then coerce him into going to Vegas with you in a classic car and then when you guys get there use him to win lots of money, but then the Pit Bosses will ask you to leave because of counting cards and then you can buy him a portable TV so that he won't miss People's Court and buy his clothes at KMART

  20. i would report it to the cops. when he throws something at you or does something else get it on video to use as evidence. you are in your own yard, you shouldn't have to deal with stuff like that.

  21. You aren't doing anything wrong. Dogs bark. There isn't much you can do about that. But you need to call the police. If someone throws rocks at you (into your yard!) it's a type of assault. You need to tell the cops about this situation. This man should be in a home, not out in the public where he could throw rocks at kids or something.

  22. set up a hidden camera to show th police what he is doing

  23. I know this is going to sound really mean , especially since the man has a mental illness that isnt his fault , but if he is threatening to others you can usually complain. You can also ask your local authority  to consider transferring homes, however this depends on whether your house is brought by your family or not. If this man is disturbing your other neighbours, you can draw up a petition and take this to the police along with other good evidence of this behaviour.

  24. I think you should call the cops and let them know about the pocket knife and anything else someone like him should not be able to get a hold of. His parents are also to blame if they allow him to have those things knowing all too well that he is not stable and is able to use those as weapons.

    Your dog has every right to go outside but please try to find a way to keep him from barking at the crazy man. Try to explain to your dog that the guy may hurt you if your dog keeps barking. It'll take a while for him to get used to it but he should stop eventually because he should also want your safety (people will say it doesn't work but it does a lot).

    When you call the cops, explain to them this guy scares your dog and others and that they should do something about the weapons as he has obviously thrown an ARROW at you!

    I also think you should find a friend who can record what you're doing to see if you can catch what they do on tape. Just a friendly video tape of you having fun like some people do. Don't point it at him or they'll tell him not to do anything while they're taping (you can also pretend to not be taping to see what he can do).

  25. Lodge a complaint with the police.  They'll probably do nothing. That's cool.

    Every time he does something like that, get it on video. Whether he is throwing things, threatening or whatever, document it.

    Once you have enough evidence, go to the police after a new incident and show them.

  26. Um excuse me this does not belong in beauty ♥

    And common sense call the police. If he has a mental issue then  the police will probably take him away immediately hes making you feel unsafe and is disturbing the peace. And shut your dog up.

  27. I would move, or get a neighborhood watch program together and report him to the community. Maybe they could straighten him out.

  28. I would talk to your neighbors. the parents not the guy. tell them his behavior is becoming a problem. maybe you can make a schedule so he isnt outside when the dog is.

    good luck

  29. move if hes dangerous

  30. Did you talk to his parents? Politely call them on the phone and say "I understand that our dog can be a nuisance when she barks, and we try to calm her down as fast as we can. However, yesterday we were noticing things being throw over the fence at her, which we were afraid would hurt our dog." If the man's parents aren't completely horrible they will understand the situation. Also, if they complain to the police about your dog, complain about rocks being throw at you, the arrow, and the pocket knife. It seems as though this guy (even though mentally disturbed) could pose a threat to the neighborhood. Do you know anyone else to has problems with him? That's not an invitation to gang up on the family, but just incase it escalates, you need to have someone to  back up your statements.  

  31. move? well, it's your property he has no right to be throwing things over the fence, especially aiming at the dog or you. Either you move, talk to the other family, or call the police.

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